
Brandeis University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Office of Study Abroad supports Brandeis students who participate on any of our 300 approved programs in some 65 different countries around the world.

On average 40% of the junior class studied abroad during the academic year while still more students took advantage of various international opportunities in the summer. There is a huge diversity of transformative experiences that Brandeis students have engaged in abroad including studying biodiversity conservation hands on in Panama, conducting ethnographic research on sacred figures in Mongolia, interning with Parliament in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, and interning in special education classrooms in Sydney, Australia to name a few.

Whatever your story, journey or adventure is destined to be, come by our office to learn more about the steps to going away!

Additionally, by logging in to Abroad101, all approved programs will be tagged with an "Approved" badge.

Important Dates and Deadlines

The Study Abroad Application Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, and Spring is mid-February.

The summer study abroad application deadline is mid-March.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Living Casual IFSA: Galway - National University Ireland

"Too much to put into words here. The Irish are the greatest people in the world. It was beyond worthwhile - I wish I was still there. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Adjust And Enjoy Arcadia: London - University College London

"English culture/lifestyle. It was worthwhile because it broadened my views and gave me the chance to experience something different."

Brandeis University
Past Review I Made The Best Friends! IFSA: Glasgow - University of Glasgow

"I gained a wealth of knowledge about myself and I made the best group of friends I could ever ask for. It was the best thing I could have ever decided to do. I do not regret any part of it one bit."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Semester In Historic Edinburgh IFSA: Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh

"My semester in Edinburgh was definitely worthwhile. Edinburgh is a great location for a semester abroad. I gained an appreciation for Scottish history and culture, a heightened sense of independence, and some incredible experiences traveling around the UK and Europe."

Brandeis University
Past Review Madrid Review Boston University: Madrid - Spanish and European Studies Program

"Amazing. You learn so much about yourself"

Brandeis University
Past Review Eye Opening CIEE: Amsterdam - Social Sciences + Humanities

"A radically different perspective on policy"

Brandeis University
Past Review Academically Uninteresting Internship Program In Downtown Sydney Boston University: Sydney - Sydney Internship Program

"I would do a program at Sydney University, a large school with challenging classes"

Brandeis University
Past Review A "Dam" Fun Fling SIT Study Abroad: Netherlands - International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender

"I learned a lot about the Netherlands, the United States by comparison and myself. This experience was amazing but definitely more so on the personal level than an academic one. I suggest anyone looking to expand and explore themselves in a new, safer environment to consider this program. Particularly queer and allied folk. I ha..."

Brandeis University
Past Review Zanzibar: Take Me Back! SIT Study Abroad: Tanzania - Zanzibar Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management

"I don't think I can even begin to summarize what I learned in this little box. It was more than worthwhile and I don't think I could've picked a better place to go to truly experience living abroad."

Brandeis University
Past Review A Fantastic And Enriching Experience Emotionally And Academically. Boston University: Paris - Internship Program

"I learned how to feel comfortable speaking French, how to interact with native French speakers and how to navigate around Paris."

Brandeis University
Past Review Untitled SIT Study Abroad: Bolivia - Multiculturalism, Globalization, and Social Change

"It was totally worthwhile. I learned about an amazing country and a really unique group of people. How much I love my own country and a better way of life."

Brandeis University
Past Review Vida Tranquila Con Gente Amable Universidad Nacional de Cuyo: Mendoza - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained a lot of personal experience, a lot more independence and confidence in my ability to be independent, and I feel that I have many more opportunities opened for my future now. Without question, it was worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review C'est Parfait!! Boston University: Grenoble - Language & Liberal Arts Program

"I learned to be more conscious of myself and my dreams. I learn it is important for to strive for what I want and the perfect time is now to be extraordinary. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Amazing Experience DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"worthwhile, grew up a lot and learned about self"

Brandeis University
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience CIEE: Amsterdam - Social Sciences + Humanities

"Intercultural Insight. It was very worthwhile"

Brandeis University
Past Review So Many Adventures! DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"It was absolutely worth it, but the lack of immersion in my program made it hard to really feel part of the Danish culture. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Culturally Enriching, Fun, And Motivating Experience Academic Programs Abroad (APA): Paris - Immersion for Intermediate & Advanced French Speakers

"It was definitely worth it. I learned how to adapt to different situations and how to be spontaneous. "

Brandeis University
Past Review Copenhagen Is A Lovely City. DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I loved traveling and learning about other cultures, so it was definitely worthwhile."

Brandeis University
Past Review The Best Thing I've Ever Done Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"Everything. Knowledge about myself and my craft. Excitement about my future"

Brandeis University
Past Review Incredible And Transformative Experience! SIT Study Abroad Nepal: Development, Gender, and Social Change in the Himalaya

"Incredible experience--you learn so much Nepali language and begin to feel like Nepal is a 2nd home"

Brandeis University
Past Review Very Difficult School IFSA: St. Andrews - University of St. Andrews

"I learned a lot academically but not too much culturally"

Brandeis University
Past Review Best 4 Months Of My Life So Far. Arcadia: London - University College London

"I learn more about myself and what I want to do in the future. "

Brandeis University
Past Review License To Kill CIEE: Amsterdam - Social Sciences + Humanities

"a new perspective on myself, the world, and humankind in general; how to live independently in a strange new place, how to build yourself a life from the bottom up; that every person, no matter their place of origin, is motivated by the same desires; definitely, absolutely worthwhile"

Brandeis University