California Lutheran University
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Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at California Lutheran University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a California Lutheran University student, please check with the Study Abroad Center for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."It was super worthwhile! Living abroad is always so beneficial as you learn about other cultures, traditions, etc and become more aware as a person. "
Sophie D California Lutheran University
"This experience allowed me to gain a better understanding that business throughout the world follows the same path towards growth and expansion. Although there may be different regulations and larger/smaller governmental control in other areas, the end goal is still to reach out to consumers. With an understanding of how busines..."
Lukas R California Lutheran University
"Knowledge of how business is handled and established in the countries, how to respectfully interact with people when a language barrier exists, and to embrace the differences of a new culture. "
Karlee Cuddy California Lutheran University
"It was absolutely worthwhile! I learned so much about myself, the types of friends I gravitate toward and routines that I make when given a clean slate. I also learned a ton of Spanish!"
Olivia Becker California Lutheran University
"I learned about what it takes to live in a place completely different then what I am familiar with. My experience taught me how to adapt and communicate with individuals who grew up in a different way than I did in Southern California. I also better understand the value of diversity!"
Lauren Rezak California Lutheran University
"My experience was absolutely worthwhile. "
Kimberly Comet California Lutheran University
"That was a good experience to visit famous companies."
A student California Lutheran University
"I gained the experiences of a lifetime. I traveled with friends and gained knowledge on how to be a safe and efficient traveler without my parents helping me. It was definitely worthwhile."
Karly A California Lutheran University
"My semester abroad was one of the most positive experiences of my life. "
McKenna California Lutheran University
"I learned a lot about another country as well as a lot about myself. This was a journey where independence was needed and I was immersed in activities and situations that I would never imagined myself to be in years ago. Even being in a country that is pretty similar to the United States, there was a lot of culture and history t..."
Jenna Kobata California Lutheran University
"This experience was so worthwhile. I learned what it is like to live outside the US and how other people view the US, which was very eyeopening and humbling. In addition, I learned how to responsible and safety travel the world by myself, learning that this is not as hard as you think it is, gaining valuable knowledge about plan..."
Sarah Powner California Lutheran University
"I gained a knowledge of local cultures and history. "
A student California Lutheran University
"My experience abroad definitely taught me more independence and some useful travel skills. I also loved getting to experience a different culture and learn how to better appreciate it."
Kaiti Jung California Lutheran University
"I gained an appreciation for new cultures and a love for traveling throughout Europe. It was definitely the best decision I could have made and I hope to go back as soon as I can."
Celeste California Lutheran University
"You truly find yourself in the mist of everything going on around you. The ideas you hear about the company traditions, the history of the culture, and how different the country is from one's own home, you truly understand more or so of who you are."
Octavio Meza California Lutheran University
"The biggest one is to know different lifestyles."
A student California Lutheran University
"Learned how European business is working"
A student California Lutheran University
"I learned quite about the differences between doing business in America versus business in foreign countries. It was absolutely worth hearing different prospectives from business leaders within their home countries."
A student California Lutheran University
"I had been to Europe beforehand when I stayed with a host family in Germany for a month. I traveled with a group of 30 Americans and we all had a German brother or sister there when we arrived. I had zero complications and a ton of fun. Unfortunately, my experience with IBS was not like the former. The students on my trip (parti..."
Courtney N California Lutheran University
"The trip opened up my mind to learn about global markets and cultures. In my opinion, the trip was totally worthwhile. The IBS seminar is an excellent opportunity for students to study abroad who do not want to leave their universities for an entire semester."
Oliver T California Lutheran University
"Living in Siena was everything I wanted studying abroad to be about and more! Since Siena is a smaller city than others in Italy, it created a quaint, home-like feeling to it. By the time I left, I felt comfortable in the city and felt like one of the locals, and I always felt safe, even walking at night. I found it very fasc..."
Amanda A California Lutheran University
"New business perspectives, learned an entire new culture and so much more. It was completely worthwhile "
Ian S California Lutheran University
"I became a lot more independent and had to face problems on my own from metro difficulties to making sure I was awake on time each day for the business meetings. I gained perspective on other cultures and how good we have things in the states. I was even able to learn a lot about other states and get to know some great people. I..."
Alexis S California Lutheran University
"I learned a lot from my experience. Yes I learned a lot of educational things (since I was in school) but I learned a lot about myself, I became this adventurer I never knew I was. I picked up a love for culture I never knew I had. I learned that things aren't weird, they are just different. "
Diana G California Lutheran University
"It was absolutely worthwhile and I gained a lot of friends from around the world. I grew up and became more independent and learned a new language. I would not change my experience for anything. "
Michael F California Lutheran University