
California State University - Chico

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at California State University - Chico. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a California State University, Chico student, please check with the Office of International Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Interested in Studying Abroad through Chico State? Visit our information sessions, every Wednesday 5-6pm and Friday 2-3pm in the new Student Services building room 150.

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Past Review I Loved It So Much I Went Back To Live There Twice. USAC Italy: Viterbo - Intensive Italian Language, History, and the Arts

""Do you country a favor. leave it" I learned to go outside of myself, make hard decisions, and see the world differently. It was well worth it."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Amazing And Breathtaking USAC Brazil: Florianópolis - International Business, Environmental/Conservation Management, and Latin American Studies

"I learned how to be independent and have fun doing things on my own. To be more patient and take things in. I gained looking at life from other perspective and being away from what I am used to. My experience was so special and worthwhile - I had an amazing time and I would not trade it for anything. I hope to one day go back."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Escuela De Sueños Study Abroad Programs in Chile

"This experience taught me more than I could have ever expected. The cultural immersion was just right amount where I never felt overwhelmed, but got the most out of my time. The other students were extremely welcoming and friendly. I made friends both local and international, that I will remain in touch with. The living quarters..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review A Year In Thailand USAC Thailand: Chiang Mai - Southeast Asia Culture, Politics, and Business

"The opportunity made me grow as a person as I stepped out of my comfort zone and left the place I called home to meet new people and explore something completely new. I was able to immerse myself into a country that will now forever hold a special place in my heart as I learned not only more about a different part of the world, ..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review I Wish Everyone Could Have The Chance To Live Or Visit Brighton USAC England: Brighton - Undergraduate Courses

"I became more independent and gained lot from it personally. By seeing another side of the world, I was able to go back home and see things from a better perspective."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Constantly Nastalgic For Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University: Undergraduate Semester / Year in Israel

"Where do I begin! I learned what it's like to live in Tel Aviv: from grocery shopping, to public transportation, local cuisines - and all the while learning how to grow from the experience. It was life changing. "

California State University - Chico
Past Review I Mean...Its Ireland...What Could Go Wrong? USAC Ireland: University College Cork - Undergraduate Courses

"Life lessons learned. Self discovery, new culture, experience of a lifetime. "

California State University - Chico
Past Review Brighton: Amazing Experiences, Friends, And Adventures USAC England: Brighton - Undergraduate Courses

"Absolutely! I loved my study abroad experience. I wouldn't change it for the world. I would love to be able to stay for a year, I never want to leave. This is an amazing place to come! Make the best of it while it lasts!"

California State University - Chico
Past Review Thailand Is Truly The Land Of Smiles! USAC Thailand: Chiang Mai - Southeast Asia Culture, Politics, and Business

"Yes! Better understanding of how people in other parts of the World live and their ideals, customs, beliefs, and values. Full immersion was the best way to learn about a different culture as well as learn about myself and grow tremendously from it. You learn about yourself significantly when you're pushed outside of your comfort..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review More And Less Than What I Expected USAC Costa Rica: Heredia - Spanish Language, Ecological, and Latin American Studies

"I learned Spanish. I learned to dance Salsa. I became a better photographer and took some of the most stunning photos ever. I saw some amazing animals, hiked through the rainforests, and rafted though the rivers. Overall, the pros far outweighed the cons, but if I were to have done it again, I would have gone somewhere else."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Alicante For The Summer USAC Spain: Alicante - Spanish Language, Linguistics, European, Mediterranean, and Gender Studies

"yes, definitely worthwhile! I had the time of my life, and was easily able to travel in between weekends and after the program!"

California State University - Chico
Past Review An Experience That Surpassed All My Expectations And Left Me Enhanced As A Person For Life! USAC Spain: Bilbao/Getxo - International Business and Spanish Language Studies

"More worth it than anyone who hasn't gone will ever know. I honestly can't imagine not having gone, and not going back at some point. The friendships I developed with people of all countries will last a lifetime. It is such a gift to be surrounded by people of other cultures and learn about other people. It went by way too fast ..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Prague: My Dream Come True! USAC Spain: San Sebastián - Spanish Language, Basque, Psychology, and European Studies

"It has made me addicted to travel, learning about new culture, and discovering world history one country at a time. The program inspired my career goals into a direction that I had been previously just looking into. The experience abroad has shown me my inner strength and given me a thirst for more adventure. "

California State University - Chico
Past Review Usac Turin Is An Amazing Program! USAC Italy: Torino - International Business, Politics, Architecture, and Italian Studies

"My experience living and going to school in Turin was absolutely amazing. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. The experiences you have and the things you learn in the classroom, traveling and living in a foreign country are invaluable. My advisors at Chico State and at my host university were so helpful and made the e..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review I Will Never Forget Gexto USAC Spain: Bilbao/Getxo - International Business and Spanish Language Studies

"Yes, it was worttwhile. I picked up an accent, I learned about the history of the basque people and I met so many amazing individuals. I will remember my study abroad experience forever. "

California State University - Chico
Past Review Stirling: The Heart Of Scotland For Good Reason USAC Scotland: Stirling - Undergraduate Courses

"For those of you reading this, I cannot advise you enough to consider traveling abroad--whether it be for a year, a week, or a lifetime. Seeing the world from a different locale is a heady feeling, especially when you can experience it through study abroad. It reminds you that we humans have so many things in common, despite our..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Life Changing Experience In The Wonderful Land Of Denmark Copenhagen Business School: Copenhagen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely, my perception of how cultures function outside of the US was an eye opening experience. Denmark is a perfect example of how socialism can work, which was completely contrary to my beliefs before my study abroad experience. The woman are beautiful, the city is gorgeous, the people are extremely friendly (and most of..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Prague Was Everything I Could Have Wanted And More USAC Czech Republic: Prague - Politics, Culture, and the Arts

"It was definitely worthwhile, if you have the opportunity with your parents consent to study abroad you absolutely have to! Plus the friends you make, as corny as this sounds, will last forever as will the most wonderful memories. It's all about what you make it so make sure to live it up."

California State University - Chico
Past Review I Love China, It Is My New Home! USAC China: Chengdu - Chinese Language and Culture

"It was definitely a life changing experience, and I am very lucky to be able to continue living here."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Study Abroad Was The Best Decision I Have Ever Made. USAC Australia: Melbourne, Geelong, Waurrnambool - Undergraduate and Graduate Courses

"Best 5 months of my life. I learned alot about other people, about my self, and I grew as a person. I had so much fun, and would re-live it in a second. I met amazing people that I can keep in my life for forever. STUDY ABROAD, even if not in Australia, anywhere. Travel while you are there. Spend all your money, Its worth it, it..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Viterbo Italy An Enthusiast's City USAC Italy: Viterbo - Intensive Italian Language, History, and the Arts

"It is difficult to explain in short my experience, near impossible I suppose. What is important to me is the values I learned while studying abroad. None of us are inherently born with values that make us 'good' people or as I should say, easy to co-exist with. When living in a city like Viterbo, you are able to slow down, look ..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review Viterbo, Italy! USAC Italy: Viterbo - Intensive Italian Language, History, and the Arts

"It was the smartest decision I have made. It made me grow as a person and gave me a different outlook on life :) "

California State University - Chico
Past Review Reading, England Expensive, But Worth Every Penny USAC England: Reading - Undergraduate Courses

"This was an incredible experience, and very worthwhile. I made loads of great new friends, I learned more in one year than I could have imagined about my degree subject, and I had a cultural experience that was even better than I expected. It hasn't changed my academic plans, besides making me even more interested in archaeology..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review (No Title) Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"The experience was totally worthwhile! I learned so much and it changed how I approach my work and sparked new ideas. It was so important that I went (although I didn't know it at the time) because it has really made a difference in my art and my life. It was a great way for me to get inspired and excited for my last year of u..."

California State University - Chico
Past Review (No Title) Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"All aspects of this program were fun and educational. I was able to practice my Italian language skills, indulge in the amazing cuisine, learn about new and interesting technology, and last but certainly not least, utilize a tremendous amount of creativity toward producing a tangible piece of art/installation to be exhibited in ..."

California State University - Chico