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Centro Superior de Diseño Hacer Creativo (Zaragoza, Spain)


Centro Superior de Diseño Hacer Creativo is a university located in Zaragoza, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad and Gap Year abroad programs.

we are a Fashion Design school in Northern Spain,
Zaragoza, Centro Superior de Diseño Hacer Creativo with almost 20 years
of experience teaching Design and Fashion.

Study Abroad with Centro Superior de Diseño Hacer Creativo

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Centro Superior de Diseño Hacer Creativo: Zaragoza - Short Courses in Fashion Design
Centro Superior de Diseño Hacer Creativo: Zaragoza - Short Courses in Fashion Design

Presently we offer an official degree (4 year BA, 240 ECTS credits) in Fashion, a Masters program, and a variety of short courses. As of 2017/18 we will add an internation...


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