
Clark University - Worcester

September 19, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Clark University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Clark University student, please check with the Office of Study Abroad and Study Away Programs for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Sept. 15- Deadline for spring applications
March 1- Deadline for fall and full year
March 15- Deadline for summer

All students must submit an "intent to study abroad" form at least one year in advance.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Haggis, Beer, And The Unilink. University of Stirling: Stirling - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Not having a job that provides a steady income flow puts a different perspective on everyday expenses. Budgeting is key! Making friends from all over the world gives you an excuse to travel later. Use those connections to your advantage. Ask them to house you, feed you, guide you, etc."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review London At Full Speed CEA CAPA Education Abroad: London, England

"Most importantly, I have learned to believe in myself more. My internship did this by letting me oversee the whole “We, Macbeth” production. I believe that I am capable to produce great things if I just stay positive. Being a Senior I am beyond nervous about leaving University, but after being a part of this internship , I h..."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Amazing Crazy Time CIEE: Cape Town - Service Learning

"how to interact and work with other cultures"

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review How To Be An International Student In An International City CET Shanghai

"I learned how to live in another culture very different from my own, become more independent, and how to live in a city. It was completely worthwhile. "

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review A Service Learning Based Program For The Partying Type. CIEE: Cape Town - Service Learning

"I gained a lot of cultural experience. YES!"

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review A Fabulous Year In London London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"organzing skill. setting goals early. work dilligently "

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Absolutely Amazing, Life Changing, Indescribable CIEE: Cape Town - Service Learning

"I could go on and on and on. It was worthwhile. It was the best 5 months of my life by far, I wish I could do it all over again!"

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Complete Caribbean Immersion CIEE: Santiago - Service Learning, Dominican Republic

"Completely! I learned how to live with a family that was not my own without hot water and I learned how to teach children how to read in Spanish. Not to mention I learned how to speak the language! "

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Sussex/Brighton Was A Great Experience; Lots Of Culture, Independence, And Fun University of Sussex: Brighton - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely a worthwhile experience, it was difficult in the beginning because there was about three days of orientation and then you are completely on your own, but I would definitely do it again. While it does not sound like the typical study abroad experience, I had a great time at in Brighton, there is so much to between pub..."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Amazing Sights, Experiences, Skills, And Unforgettable Memories CIEE: Perth - Biology + Ecology Field Studies

"I learned so much about myself being abroad and what it means to be independent. I also really value the hands on field experience during the program. This program was more than I could have hoped for when I signed up for it. "

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review A Diversity Of Experiences All Over Japan Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned to move outside my comfort zone, how to cook for myself better, general self-sufficiency, and how to navigate Japan without too much trouble."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Intense! CET Beijing

"Due to the rigor and intensity of this program, I am able to hold basic conversations in Chinese. This program was absolutely worthwhile, in that what you learn in the classroom is immediately put to use outside the classroom when living in China."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Essential CET Shanghai

"My time abroad was a period of both intense academic and personal growth, and was extremely worthwhile. I would not have been able to achieve this level of growth at my University in the USA."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review More Than I Ever Imagined. CIEE: Gaborone - Arts and Sciences

"I learned a lot about the culture, the problems facing the country as well as a lot about who I want to be and the live I want to live. "

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Life Changing! University of East Anglia: Norwich - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Confidence! It was definitely worthwhile. I met lifelong friends."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review An Eye Opening And Challenging Adventure! CGEE: Windhoek - Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind

"Most of all i learned to be more independent and be self reliant. The program really challenged my notions of racial issues as well as socio-economic issues and my internship really helped me put all that I had learned about development into practice."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review What A City London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"I gained perspective on the education I'm receiving at Clark."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Humans Helping Humans CIEE: Santiago - Service Learning, Dominican Republic

"I gained a strong sense of my own strengths and weaknesses, and came back more aware of how I want to use my education; it was worthwhile."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Berlin Was Awesome CIEE: Berlin - Open Campus Program

"Cultural experience"

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Too Short Time To Berlin! CIEE: Berlin - Open Campus Program

"I learned and gained something inexpressible in this textbox. It was very worthwhile to go though, I hope everyone ends up studying abroad at some point in their life. "

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Amazing And Challenging University of East Anglia: Norwich - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I took one of the most challenging and rewarding classes at my time at the UEA and truly learned what I was capable of academically. Because studies are much more independent, I now feel more equipped in my abilities as a student and worker."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review When Can I Do This Again? University of East Anglia: Norwich - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes! Studying abroad is always worthwhile, especially for me. The number one thing I gain from being abroad id Confidence in me, my academic ability, being able to deal with living on my own with other people in another country, etc. I will never forget this experience."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review Exploring Ghanaian Culture CIEE: Legon - Arts + Sciences

"The most important thing that you can learn from CIEE Ghana is the culture of Ghana. Come in ready to experience and be part of something completely different than what you are used to. You will be eating different food, talking to people with really different perspectives and experiences, traveling to really different places ..."

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review (That's A Really Hard Question, It Was Fabulous) CET Prague

"New language, culture, sightseeing, YES it was totally worthwhile"

Clark University - Worcester
Past Review In One Line? Impossible. CIEE: Perth - Biology + Ecology Field Studies

"Yes it was worthwhile."

Clark University - Worcester