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Colegio Delibes (Salamanca, Spain)


Colegio Delibes is a university located in Salamanca, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Intensive Language abroad programs.

Colegio Delibes is situated in a historical building, five minutes walk from the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca . It Has Been Recently restored, and Equipped with the latest technology; twenty-five air-conditioned classrooms , a video and conference room , big kitchen for cooking lessons, an audio lab, library and an IT room with free internet access , WI-Besides FI. Also there is an enclosed courtyard with a typical Castilian well Where you can relax with a coffee and Chat with other students During the breaks of your Spanish courses .

Study Abroad with Colegio Delibes

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Colegio Delibes: Salamanca - Spanish Language Courses
Colegio Delibes: Salamanca - Spanish Language Courses

Colegio Delibes is situated in a historical building, five minutes walk from the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca ...


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