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Delengua (Granada, Spain)


Delengua is a university located in Granada, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad and Intensive Language abroad programs.

Granada is home to the Alhambra, a breathtaking palace that is the most outstanding reminder of Granada's Arab period. Granada's Arab heritage can be seen when walking through the narrow and winding cobblestone streets. The city has a vibrant nightlife: there are many pubs, cafés, clubs and more. One of Granada's specialties is free tapas - Spanish snacks - offered with a drink.

Study Abroad with Delengua

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Delengua: Granada - Spanish Language Courses
Delengua: Granada - Spanish Language Courses

Delengua is a small and dynamic school specialized in Spanish language and culture located in the very centre of Granada. The school is composed by young Spanish teachers,...


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