Duquesne University
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Duquesne University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Duquesne University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."Living in China is becoming a more influential resume builder as China becomes an international player. Immersion in China is difficult for any foreigner, and traveling around the country isn't meant for noncitizens. However, IES Abroad staff are quite helpful in guiding students to helpful resources in order to facilitate trave..."
Alexander Wolfe Duquesne University
"This program taught me a lot of useful environmental information, but more importantly it empowered and inspired us to actually make a difference. The hands-on learning and exclusive field trips were incredibly valuable to my academic development, but the experience as a whole was priceless. This program attracts a certain type ..."
Kait M Duquesne University
"I met so many amazing people on my trip, received a cross-culture education, and saw so many beautiful sights that Ireland has to offer. I also learned so many things about myself, including my ability to make new friends, travel independently, and handle other new and unfamiliar situations. Going abroad was without a doubt wort..."
Julia F Duquesne University
"After studying abroad, I became a lot more comfortable being independent and more comfortable in my own company. I lost the shyness, I would feel to speak in Spanish because I was proud to be actually living and surviving in Spain. It was the best decision I made, after deciding to go to university."
kay.augustus.3 Duquesne University
"My study abroad experience with Amizade has changed many aspects of life...and all of them for the better! Before my going to Tanzania I had never gone abroad, and with my experience with Amizade was truly the best and most eye opening month of my life as well as the best academic and life decision I have made thus far in my car..."
Emma L Duquesne University