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PSB Paris School of Business (Paris, France)


PSB Paris School of Business is a university located in Paris, France offering 2 programs managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Founded in 1974, PSB Paris School of Business (formerly ESG MS) is a European elite Grande Ecole management school that combines academic excellence, international awareness and professional experiences.

A member of the Conference of Grande Écoles, EFMD and AACSB, the institution offers several programs: Undergraduate (International BBA), Graduate (Grande École program), and post-Graduate (MSc, MA, MBA, DBA).

Cited as one of the top post-baccalaureate schools in France, its Grande École Program offers a 5-year course leading to an official Master level degree which is also internationally accredited by AMBA as of October 2014.

Study Abroad with PSB Paris School of Business

September 19, 2024

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