1.0 - 1 Review

Eòlia, Conservatory of Dramatic Arts (Barcelona, Spain)


Eòlia, Conservatory of Dramatic Arts is a university located in Barcelona, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

EÒLIA –– Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, founded in Barcelona in 2000, is associated with theater companies Tricicle, Dagoll Dagom, and since 2012, (the same year EÒLIA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama degree was given official recognition), The Galilei Project.

Eòlia is closely connected to both the national and international theatre arts scene, and has developed new professional training programs for actors, singers, playwrights, dramaturges, producers, dancers and musicians. These programs incorporate current and cutting-edge artistic techniques, and are taught by renowned faculty active in the professional performing arts world.

Eòlia is more than a theater school, it’s a living project––a space that offers students room to grow and an outlet for discovery, whether they are future professionals, professionals that seek to hone their skills, or people who don’t plan to go on to a career in the Performing Arts but seek to grow, learn and have fun in the areas of theatre, dramaturgy, playwriting, singing or dance.

Study Abroad with Eòlia, Conservatory of Dramatic Arts

Based on 1 Review
Overall Experience
September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Eòlia, Conservatory of Dramatic Arts: Barcelona - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Eòlia, Conservatory of Dramatic Arts: Barcelona - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

One of our conservatory’s principle development objectives on an international level is to build bridges with other schools, universities, theaters, and cultural instituti...


1 review

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