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Europass (Florence, Italy)


Europass is a university located in Florence, Italy offering 2 direct enrollment and exchange programs Programs offered include Study Abroad and Intensive Language abroad programs.

Europass is the most vibrant and joyful Italian language school in Florence! Its cosy atmosphere, the friendly and informal teaching style and being surrounded by friends from all over the world makes learning Italian fun and easy.

Florence is full of hidden gems which you can only discover if you stay here for a few weeks. With our constant support and your newly found Italian skills you'll be able to dive into the Italian way of life and have a truly unforgettable experience.

Study Abroad with Europass

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Europass: Florence - Italian Language Courses
Europass: Florence - Italian Language Courses

Our Italian Language Courses are perfect for students who want to master the Italian language and at the same time immerse themselves in the Italian way of life, living in...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Europass: Florence - Italian Language and Culture Courses
Europass: Florence - Italian Language and Culture Courses

Our Italian Language and Culture courses are perfect for students who not only want to improve their language skills but also learn more about various aspects of Italian c...


0 reviews

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