
Fairfield University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Fairfield University's study abroad programs emphasize quality education, exposure to new cultures, and excellent student support services. Our programs are open to students from other colleges and universities as well. Explore our site to see "where in the world" you may want to go for your study abroad experience!
Your passport to the world...

We encourage you to consider the many choices Fairfield offers. Spend a semester, a year, a month, or just ten days abroad earning academic credit and gaining the kind of knowledge only an onsite experience can provide.

Fairfield University offers students from other college and universities semester, year, and short-term study abroad opportunities in Florence, Italy; Managua, Nicaragua; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Aix-en-Provence, France; Brisbane, Australia; and Galway, Ireland.

Fairfield's programs offer exceptional learning opportunities for you beyond the classroom including internships, service learning, academic excursions, and other events that will make your experience enjoyable and meaningful. We look forward to meeting with you and exploring the possibilities!

Important Dates and Deadlines

An overall GPA of 2.8 is required to study abroad for all programs including short-term and summer. Individual programs have their own criteria and may require higher GPAs. A student must be in good disciplinary standing with the Dean of Students at the time of application and participation. All students who wish to study abroad for a semester or year must submit an online application for their desired study abroad program. Applications will be due February 1st for students wishing to study abroad during the following academic year. Students studying in a non-English speaking country must take one course (3 credits) in the native language. Students with advanced language skills can choose to take a content course instructed in the native language to satisfy the language course requirement.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Adventures In The Desert CIEE: Amman - Language and Culture

"My time was incredible. It was a great experience to get to know others, as well as know myself better. It was challenging, exciting, wonderful, difficult, adventurous and so much more, and I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I think the chance to experience another culture and way of living is an incredible opportunity tha..."

Fairfield University
Past Review Rouen NEOMA Business School: Rouen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes it was worthwhile"

Fairfield University
Past Review One In A Lifetime Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I learned the differences between America and Italy- differences that make me appreciate where I live a lot. I gained somewhat of a new outlook on life as well as learned more about Italian culture than I ever thought I could."

Fairfield University
Past Review A Home Away From Home Regent’s University London: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I love London! I want to go back and live there for at least a year"

Fairfield University
Past Review Sevilla, Mi Casa Para Siempre API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad Pablo de Olavide

"Studying abroad in Sevilla enabled me to explore Western Europe and Northern Africa. I was exposed to a different way of living and a new pace of life. Each day was so unique and exciting. I improved my Spanish and cultural awareness. "

Fairfield University
Past Review Florence: What An Adventure Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"absolutely! was an amazing experience"

Fairfield University
Past Review I Would Not Trade My Time In Sevilla For Anything! API (Academic Programs International): Seville - Universidad Pablo de Olavide

"My experience was amazing. I am so glad I chose Sevilla, UPO, and Rosa's residencia. I am a changed person from this experience. It has made me a better person, and I have learned so much. It has made me realize that I would like to travel more in the future and live in Spain if possible. "

Fairfield University