Fordham University
University Information
Study abroad at Fordham is part of a long-standing tradition of Jesuit education that seeks to enhance students’ understanding of the world’s peoples and their interdependence. Our goal is to help students gain an understanding of other cultures and to incorporate a global dimension to their chosen fields of study. Fordham prides itself in offering its students one of the most extensive networks for foreign study of any major university. As such, it is important to research your options, to become familiar with the different types of programs Fordham offers as well as the applicable academic and financial guidelines and policies. It is also important to deliberate. What would matter most to you in selecting a study abroad program? A destination and the length of the intended program? Opportunities to do course work on your major? Would the prominence of a given city or foreign university and the richness of the culture of the host community be more important to you? What about commitment to linguistic, cultural and academic immersion? Do you have specific academic goals or interests you would like pursue in a foreign academic setting? What would these be?
We urge you to plan ahead and start a conversation about these questions and your aspirations with family members, friends, faculty, and study abroad alumni. We also want you to meet and talk with the International and Study Abroad Programs (ISAP) staff. While the University recognizes a sustained period of study in another culture is important, it is important to remember that study abroad is not a requirement, nor an entitlement of a Fordham education. Rather, participants do earn the right to study abroad by high academic performance, a clearly reasoned academic purpose, appropriate preparation, and conduct that demonstrates genuine enthusiasm for learning about and experiencing other cultures.
Do you have general questions about Fordham’s study abroad programs, eligibility requirements, the application process and what Fordham expects of study abroad participants? Are you curious about what you may do after your study abroad term? Please stop by our offices—the ISAP staff looks forward to working with you and to offering the advising and services you will need to get the most out of your experience abroad.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Fall Early Action Deadline: January 15
Fall Final Deadline February 15
Spring Early Action Deadline: June 30
Spring Final Deadline: September 10
Summer Abroad Course Deadline: February 15
Winter Abroad Course Deadline: November 1
Summer Outside Program Deadline: April 15
"It was very worthwhile. Learned I love to speak another language"
A student Fordham University
"I am much more open to other cultures and much more independent. "
A student Fordham University
"It was definitely worth while. I felt more comfortable living with American students but also got to interact with locals through my internship. I also enjoyed my classes, and learned things about the British culture through them as well."
A student Fordham University
"This semester confirmed that I want to be a teacher, it gave me valuable experience and opened my eyes to different types of teaching. I improved my Spanish so much, travelled Europe, and realized how many things I can do with my life. I want to return to Spain to teach English. I met some of my best friends and got to know myse..."
A student Fordham University
"My time abroad was worth while. I gained a new understanding of different cultures. I also gained an appreciation for my own home and country. "
A student Fordham University
"It was definitely worthwhile. Especially living with a host family was so beneficial and amazing. "
A student Fordham University
"I learned how to live on my own from thousands of miles away from home. I learned how to budget my money. I learned how to associate with the people of Australia. I gained experience with my internship in the post-production field. Everything was absolutely worthwhile. "
A student Fordham University
"Living abroad in London was an amazing experience and I wish I could do it all over again. London is such a diverse and exciting city. I learned a lot about myself and my interests. "
A student Fordham University
"The overall experience was great, however my classes did not pertain to my major and therefore I was disinterested and frustrated with particular learning aspects."
A student Fordham University
"I learned that I don't know how to manage my finances...I am coming back with a negative balance in my bank account.... Overall I became a more independent person, I can plan trips on my own, choose courses without my an advisor holding my hand, and make friends more easily."
Claire B Fordham University
"I learned that cultures can be different, but we are all human beings and can all get along with one another no matter what country we are from. I learned a lot about myself as a person, and I learned lessons about other people. It was worth it to do an internship, because even though I did not get to travel as much, I was able ..."
A student Fordham University
"I learned how different cultures around the world are, and how they influence the way people act. It was the most worthwhile thing I have ever done. "
Luke M Fordham University
"I gained an entirely differnt worldview and learned incredible things both about Chile, South America in general, as well as my own country´s role in the affairs of the region. I also found certain career interests that I had not been made aware of which I am now pursuing. Most of all, I loved all the people I met and the plac..."
Bridget D Fordham University
"I learned to always keep an open mind in the Philippines, especially when people criticized American behavior and politics. By taking an international law and international relations class, I learned that it's not right to force ideas on other countries. As a result, corruption and chaos emerges because of countries imitating an..."
Donna M Fordham University
"its harder then you think to learn a language and live with someone who can't speak english, but it is worthwhile for your improvement and the laughs you will have "
Janice B Fordham University
"Kunming really lended itself to a youthful spirit, and compelled me to reflect on all of the opportunity I have been given in my life. In a city like Beijing or Shanghai, there is no time for these thoughts, as your mind is most likely clouded with particulate matter. Being independent in China is critical to meeting local stude..."
A student Fordham University
"This experience changed me for the better in more ways than I realized. It was worthwhile. The program encouraged me to travel more, be more social and continue learning"
Adrian N Fordham University
"Completely worthwhile! Greater sense of independence and confindence. Greater appreciation for being a young urban student All types of friends Memorable and life changing cultural experiences"
A student Fordham University
"I learned a TON about Argentina in general. I also learned how to be alone and be content alone (coming from dorm life in the US, it can be surprisingly uncomfortable). It was 150% worthwhile - no one can take this experience away from me."
A student Fordham University
"I learned my own language skills and how to manage sometimes difficult situations"
Emily A Fordham University
"Independence and ability to learn and appreciate other cultures"
Michael M Fordham University
"My experience abroad was certainly worthwhile. I learned a lot more about both Italian and American culture."
A student Fordham University
"A better sense of the diversity of social, economic, and political experiences within the English-speaking world."
A student Fordham University
"I enhanced my Spanish proficiency through the intensive course work I undertook over the past 4 months. Living in Spain gave me a deeper perspective of the world at large, while learning about the active Spanish culture I lived in. It was most certainly worthwhile. I regret almost nothing about the experience because it was an i..."
Greg S Fordham University
"In addition to learning about Argentina and South America, I learned a lot about what it means to be American in today's world. I learned a lot about who I am and what my role is in a global environment. Going abroad was one of the best things I have ever done for myself."
A student Fordham University