Fordham University
University Information
Study abroad at Fordham is part of a long-standing tradition of Jesuit education that seeks to enhance students’ understanding of the world’s peoples and their interdependence. Our goal is to help students gain an understanding of other cultures and to incorporate a global dimension to their chosen fields of study. Fordham prides itself in offering its students one of the most extensive networks for foreign study of any major university. As such, it is important to research your options, to become familiar with the different types of programs Fordham offers as well as the applicable academic and financial guidelines and policies. It is also important to deliberate. What would matter most to you in selecting a study abroad program? A destination and the length of the intended program? Opportunities to do course work on your major? Would the prominence of a given city or foreign university and the richness of the culture of the host community be more important to you? What about commitment to linguistic, cultural and academic immersion? Do you have specific academic goals or interests you would like pursue in a foreign academic setting? What would these be?
We urge you to plan ahead and start a conversation about these questions and your aspirations with family members, friends, faculty, and study abroad alumni. We also want you to meet and talk with the International and Study Abroad Programs (ISAP) staff. While the University recognizes a sustained period of study in another culture is important, it is important to remember that study abroad is not a requirement, nor an entitlement of a Fordham education. Rather, participants do earn the right to study abroad by high academic performance, a clearly reasoned academic purpose, appropriate preparation, and conduct that demonstrates genuine enthusiasm for learning about and experiencing other cultures.
Do you have general questions about Fordham’s study abroad programs, eligibility requirements, the application process and what Fordham expects of study abroad participants? Are you curious about what you may do after your study abroad term? Please stop by our offices—the ISAP staff looks forward to working with you and to offering the advising and services you will need to get the most out of your experience abroad.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Fall Early Action Deadline: January 15
Fall Final Deadline February 15
Spring Early Action Deadline: June 30
Spring Final Deadline: September 10
Summer Abroad Course Deadline: February 15
Winter Abroad Course Deadline: November 1
Summer Outside Program Deadline: April 15
"I became much more independent and confident about myself, as well as learning about tons of different cultures. Most definitely worthwhile, and I would go back in a heartbeat."
connor.moran Fordham University
"Language Culture Yes"
A student Fordham University
"Got me in touch with my Italian roots, introduced me to the Italian culture's perspective on life, very different from the go-go-go American one"
A student Fordham University
"I think it was worthwhile. Even though I had a lot of bad days while studying in Italy I learned things about myself that I wouldn't know now if I hadn't gone to Florence."
A student Fordham University
"It was definitely worthwhile to come here. The people were friendly, the culture was great, and the classes were excellent."
highintherunning Fordham University
"Traveling is a mind opening experience, and you should always expose yourself to new experiences and make connections with any interesting person you meet, even if the relationship is fleeting. Going abroad was definitely worthwhile. You can't get much more independent than living on your own in a foreign country and making a li..."
Kathryn D Fordham University
"My language skills improved. I grew as a person. I became more independent. I made a lot of friends."
Alex L Fordham University
"first-hand look at European culture. Definitely worth every second"
A student Fordham University
"A humbling perspective on different people that translated to a gain in humility in myself. Definitely worthwhile."
Tim L Fordham University
"I experienced the differences between the French and American university systems. Although I did not grow to love the French system, it did make me appreciate my home university and the American system so much more."
A student Fordham University
"Very worthwhile. Immersed myself in British culture and learned a great deal. Direct enroll at City University was great."
A student Fordham University
"I learned about the British culture, and how to adapt to the British education system. It was completely worthwhile, and I would recommend this program to any student interested. "
A student Fordham University
"It was absolutely worthwhile. I gained a learning experience like no other, because I was able to immerse myself in a foreign culture for an extended period of time. I know think very differently when reflecting on my own and other people's cultures."
Nick G Fordham University
"I learned to appreciate cultures other than the U.S. all while stepping out of my comfort zone."
A student Fordham University
"I learned a lot about how people in other cultures - especially the Danish culture - live. And the Danish culture is very different from the American so it made for some interesting observations. It was definitely worthwhile to study abroad."
A student Fordham University
"I learned how to be confident speaking in a foreign language and accepting that at first I will have minor hiccups along the way. With this idea, I was able to fully immerse myself into my surroundings and easily improve my conversational Spanish. Furthermore, I learned Granada's local culture, its extensive history, the windi..."
ola.supel Fordham University
"The only thing worth while was the internship experience."
A student Fordham University
"From this experience in Paris I gained a new perspective of the world and my life. Before I studied abroad I was unsure of what I wanted to do in terms of a major and minor in college. After studying abroad I know that I really want to use and improve my knowledge of the french language in the pursuit of a career with my polit..."
Ben B Fordham University
"I learned many valuable things about myself, but what I most walked away with is the fact that integration is harder than you think. "
Laura M Fordham University
"Appreciation of other cultures as well as culture in the US Became more independent Became more open minded "
A student Fordham University
"I gained a new perspective of the middle east, and saw how people are people all over the world, regardless of where they live. It was an incredibly worthwhile experience, and I only wish I could have had more time in Jordan."
Ben D Fordham University
"Independence and a new look at human relationships"
A student Fordham University
"I have an even greater sense of independence Worth every penny and minute!"
A student Fordham University
"I greatly improved my German and learned much about how Europeans and Germans live. It was extremely worthwhile."
Seth H Fordham University