Gettysburg College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Gettysburg College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Gettysburg College student, please check with the Center for Global Education for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information

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Past Review My Cya Experience CYA (College Year in Athens) - Semester/Academic Year Program

"It was so worthwhile! I gained amazing friendships. I matured a lot by being on my own in a foreign place. I learned how to compromise and to go with the flow through living with strangers and dealing with things beyond my control, such as lack of transportation from political demonstrations."

Gettysburg College
Past Review New Experience That Was Mostly Positive IFSA: Townsville - James Cook University

"I became more independent and learned how to travel (before this, I had never traveled)"

Gettysburg College
Past Review An Unforgettable Experience IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"I learned how to get out of my comfort zone and to be comfortable with the uncomfortable."

Gettysburg College
Past Review The Most Amazing Way To Bring A Textbook To Life IES Abroad: Arles - IES Abroad in Arles

"My Spanish-speaking ability was greatly enhanced, and I gained a lot more cultural knowledge from the experience. It was 100% worthwhile."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Incredible Austria IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"Cultural knowledge that has changed my view on the world. TOtally worthwhile"

Gettysburg College
Past Review Helath Care Volunteer In Honduras Volunteer Honduras La Ceiba: PreMed/Nurse/EMT Program

"This program also allowed me to gain so much more hands-on experience than I would have been able to get in the U.S. I was able to take vital signs and assist in wound cleaning. I also observed C-sections and many other surgeries. All of the doctors were welcoming and thankful for our help. They were also willing to explain what..."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Studying In Salamanca IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"Absolutely. I have always had an international mindset but fully immersing yourself for 4 months is a once in a lifetime experience and allowed me to gain even more worldly knowledge."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Cuando Estás En España! IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"I definitely learned what I value and the things I think are most important. I also learned about the cultural differences; though I already knew these existed, it's different experiencing it for yourself as opposed to learning it in a textbook."

Gettysburg College
Past Review A Semester In Cuba: Politicized IFSA: Havana - Study Abroad at the Universidad de La Habana

"VERY worthwhile. I learned a lot more Spanish, about the politics of Cuban-American relations, and about a country with a rich history."

Gettysburg College
Past Review A Wonderful, Eye Opening, Incredible Adventure! SIT Study Abroad: Panama - Tropical Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Biodiversity Conservation

"I learned field research skills, a lot about biodiversity in the tropics, how to design and implement my own research, how to live on my own in another country and so many other things. It is SO worth it. "

Gettysburg College
Past Review Freiburg Fun IES Abroad: Freiburg - Language & Area Studies

"I learned how to do things for myself more so than I had before. It's much different knowing that you don't have family anywhere near you, it teaches you to make bigger decisions for yourself without input from your parents."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Amazing Cultural Immersion Experience CIEE: Ferrara - Liberal Arts

"I learned a lot about Italian culture, and greatly improved my Italian language skills. It also allowed me to see more of the world and do some traveling, helping me to become more independent and confident. "

Gettysburg College
Past Review I Ecuadore This Place! SIT Study Abroad: Ecuador - Development, Politics and Languages

"I gained a much more global perspective on the world, lasting friendships, and complete cultural immersion. "

Gettysburg College
Past Review Incredible DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Learned a good amount of living on my own in a city and traveling. Truly grew as a person"

Gettysburg College
Past Review Amazing Abroad Program! SIT Study Abroad: Argentina - Social Movements and Human Rights

"I loved this program! I learned a lot about the culture and society of Argentina but I also learned a lot about myself such as how I learn, what I want do with my future, etc. I studied abroad in Spain and by far had a more powerful experience on this program in Argentina."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Interesting College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Chicoutimi - University of Quebec

"It was good. It was interesting being in a completely different culture!"

Gettysburg College
Past Review An All Around Learning Experience IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"I learned a lot about myself and the things that I can do on my own. It was definitely worth while! "

Gettysburg College
Past Review Living And Growing In Salamanca IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"From the moment I first stepped foot on Spanish soil, I swore to never be afraid to try new experiences, and to not let any opportunity escape my grasp. And by studying abroad through the IES Salamanca Program, I found such an amazing array of opportunities to get involved not only by taking stimulating courses on the Franco Reg..."

Gettysburg College
Past Review A Refreshing View To The Middle East SIT Study Abroad: Jordan - Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action

"Studying abroad in Jordan was by far the best time of my life! I learned more about the Jordanian healthcare system than I think I know about the US Healthcare system. By far, the best part of this program are the various field visits you attend, ranging from public hospitals and refugee health clinics to the Ministry of Health ..."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Fantastic Experience! Arcadia: London - University College London

"A new global understanding and friends who live all over the world"

Gettysburg College
Past Review Amazing Semester Abroad IES Abroad: Salamanca - Advanced Spanish Immersion

"A sense of independence that I really had not had even after going away to college. You are in a foreign country where the majority of people do not speak your language. It was extremely worthwhile and a great experience I will never forget"

Gettysburg College
Past Review South Africa: Preparing For The Unexpected Rhodes University: Grahamstown - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Extremely. Being thrown into a culture and having close to no background in the country before hand, I was forced to integrate and make friends with people with completely different backgrounds than that which I have been used to. During the process, I made several life changing observations concerning both the world around me, ..."

Gettysburg College
Past Review South Africa Was An Eye Opening Experience That Prepared Me For Future Challenges. Rhodes University: Grahamstown - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My cultural awareness was dramatically shaped by my abroad experience. Seeing how much of the world lives (in the 3rd world) is eye opening and an important reality check. Gaining insight in our world and personal humility were at the forefront this experience. Everyone should travel abroad, and if you come from America, it w..."

Gettysburg College
Past Review Study Abroad At Rhodes University Rhodes University: Grahamstown - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes. I feel silly answering this question, it's a bit too broad and vague. I mean, I lived in an entirely different country and witnessed a thousand things which were different from the U.S., and a thousand things that were the same. You take both and learn from them. That's all I got."

Gettysburg College