Hartwick College
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Hartwick College . We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Hartwick College student, please check with the Office of Global Education & Service Learning for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I learned to be open to new experiences. I also learned that knowing a second language or even just trying to speak another language is valuable skill. My time abroad was all worth it. "
Addison M Hartwick College
"I learned about the culture of every country that we visited and how to adapt to new countries. I was able to make a lot of new friends. In each city I was able to see everything that I wanted to visit. I love this program and would recomend it to everyone who wants to study abroad. "
Audrey S Hartwick College
"I was able to become close friends with people in England who I plan to visit again. I also learned more about England and America by being abroad. It was definitely worthwhile"
A student Hartwick College
"I learned about myself. I learned how to be confident in what I knew and believed in, but to also be open-minded and available to learn new things and experience different places. I have changed in small and big ways. One matures naturally through study abroad; through experiences and the because of the people we meet. We don't ..."
Rachel S Hartwick College
"This experience was totally worthwhile. I really learned who I was this term and how to rely on myself. I find that because of this I am now willing and wanting to do things that I never would have considered before. I find that I am more outgoing and more sociable. I am also better able to rely on myself for things because here..."
jenae.withey Hartwick College
"I've been gushing on how much confidence in speaking German the experience has given to me ever since I returned. It also gave me experience in a classroom setting through their internship opportunity which most likely helped me get into the Austrian-American Educational Commission (Fulbright) program. Therefore it was definitel..."
A student Hartwick College
"I learned to be self sufficient. I was on planes and trains and buses all the time. It taught me to be very independent while I was travelling. "
Katie S Hartwick College
"Absolutely. I learned more about the Irish culture and the European culture. i also met a lot of international students there so it broaden my horizons. "
Bianca G Hartwick College