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IClass Education Center (St. Petersburg, Russia)


IClass Education Center is a university located in St. Petersburg, Russia offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad and Intensive Language abroad programs.

IClass Education Center is one of the oldest private schools of foreign languages in St. Petersburg known for its high level of expertise, effective business functions, highly trusted services and outstanding location – the last one being an important point for all students:
In the historical part of the city of St. Petersburg
5-minute walk from the metro station
10-minute walk from one of the famous St. Petersburg drawbridges
15-minute walk from the Winter Square and the Hermitage museum

Study Abroad with IClass Education Center

September 22, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for  IClass Education Center: St. Petersburg - Russian Language Classes
IClass Education Center: St. Petersburg - Russian Language Classes

IClass Education Centre is a language school in St. Petersburg, Russia, that provides language courses for both adults and children since 1998. IClass Russian language pro...


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