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IFU Sprachschulung (Vienna, Austria)


IFU Sprachschulung is a university located in Vienna, Austria offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Intensive Language abroad programs.

IFU Sprachschulung GmbH is an institute specializing in qualitative and entertaining German lessons. Our courses for adults are suitable for people of all nationalities who want to learn the German language, study, work or take an international German exam in Vienna.

Our tasks include rapid progress in learning and high motivation of the listeners. Professional trainers will help you master the German language, learn to speak and read correctly, and prepare you for the international exams in German.

Study Abroad with IFU Sprachschulung

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for IFU Sprachschulung: Vienna - German language school
IFU Sprachschulung: Vienna - German language school

IFU Language Training is an institute specializing in qualitative and entertaining German language instruction. Our courses are suitable for people of all nationalities an...


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