
Illinois State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

To be considered for a study abroad program, you must:
• Be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 (Note: some programs require a higher GPA, see specific program flyer for details)
• Have completed at least two (2) college semesters prior to term of participation (If a transfer student, at least 30 hours of transfer credit or after completing one (1) full semester at ISU)
• Meet with a Study Abroad Advisor

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:
Fall semester – March 15th
Spring semester – September 15th
Summer term – Program deadlines vary, please see flyer for specific deadline information

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review I Love Granada!!! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I feel that I've grown so much as a person from coming to Spain. I would have chosen a different program to go with, but I still enjoyed the time that I had!"

Illinois State University
Past Review Spain Will Always Have A Place In My Heart CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I gained a knowledge about different culture of the world which I don't think you can put a price on. I learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life from this experience. I have gained friendships I incredibly value and experiences I will never forget. This experience has made me think about teaching English in Spain a..."

Illinois State University
Past Review Canterbury: The Place To Study Abroad Canterbury Christ Church University: Canterbury - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It helped me to gain a more objective view of things that are going on in America."

Illinois State University
Past Review Canterbury: One Of The Greatest Cities On Earth Canterbury Christ Church University: Canterbury - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Being here did not chance my plans, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I learned a lot about my own country as well. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Leicester: Most Changing Experience University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely worthwhile. I grew up a lot, but I wish I was in a bigger city with more to do."

Illinois State University
Past Review Discovery Through Self Reliance: New Academic Experiences While Experiencing Personal Growth Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My experience was, though simply for academic reasons I would have chosen my other option, England, in order to take classes that lined up with my major more appropriately. The experience has not changed my future plans, simply given me different perspectives to consider while I pursue them. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Granada: The Most Difficult But Rewarding Four Months Of My Life. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I have learned a lot while studying abroad. My language skills have definitely improved and I have grown as a person. I have become more confident in my abilities and less afraid of what people think of me. I also know now that I do not want to come back to live in Europe. I really loved being here for a semester but I know that..."

Illinois State University
Past Review I <3 Korea Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Arts: Ansung - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely! I have learned to be grateful for what I have, that I need to take my education very seriously, and not to be afraid of what is out there in the world. Take chances!"

Illinois State University
Past Review Florence Was Indescribable Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"This experience has completed changed my perspective and outlook on life. I got the desire to travel more now and experience other cultures. I feel as if any task can be completed and the experience itself is hard to explain to others because it was an incredible and shocking experience. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Costa Rica: I Could Have Made It Better For Myself. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: San Jose, Costa Rica

"I wanted to go to Spain but I had to work with my money and my family. One day I'll go to Spain, but I'll always take with me the time I spent in Costa Rica."

Illinois State University
Past Review Sevilla Is In My Heart Forever ISA Study Abroad in Sevilla, Spain

"I learned a lot about myself and got to do things I'll never be able to do again in my life."

Illinois State University
Past Review Uppsala, Sweden Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

" Yes certainly. It was the first time I ever lived abroad. Going to a European university also forces you to be a lot more independent than an American university, where you are kind of babied, so that's a good learning experience."

Illinois State University
Past Review Florence: A Place To Remember Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I loved being able to travel everywhere and see important places and monuments. I liked the program I was in, but if I was to do it again I would want to experience another place, another culture."

Illinois State University
Past Review Leicester It Rhymes With Chester! University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It helped me realise that there's more to England than London and London really is as overrated as I thought."

Illinois State University
Past Review Granada: A Beautiful City With A Wonderful Atmosphere CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I LOVED this program, and this will be something that I will share with people for the rest of my life. I learned to appreciate my own culture along with other people's culture during the process, and this will continue when I return to the United States. I learned a lot more Spanish than I would have taking the equivalent cours..."

Illinois State University
Past Review I Love Florence! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence


Illinois State University
Past Review Greatest 5 Months Ever. Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying abroad definitely broke me out of my Americanized bubble. A lot of Americans who havn't been out of the country treat the world like it resolves around America but studying abroad changes that way of thinking. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Paderborn: My New Home Paderborn University: Paderborn - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely! I'm still considering the possibility of going back to Paderborn next year either for studies for work."

Illinois State University
Past Review Viva Espana Universidad Antonio de Nebrija: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I became a lot more self reliant and found out that I am capable of taking care of myself as well as others. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Peru: Engage And Absorb Into The Country Illinois State University: Lima - Maria Elena Moyano Program, Peru

"Yes, it taught me a lot about people"

Illinois State University
Past Review Granada My Home Away From Home CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I gained a new respect for other cultures. I loved everything about the experience and it was more than worthwhile. I loved every minute of it. This trip gave me more motivation to become a Spanish teacher. "

Illinois State University
Past Review France And Spain Study Abroad Programs Worldwide

"Definitely worth while"

Illinois State University
Past Review France & Spain: Culture Shock In The Best Way Possible Study Abroad Programs Worldwide

"Yes extremely, gained confidence, learned so much about the other cultures, traditions, saw some of the most amazing places, etc. Enhances my love for fashion and other cultures and makes me that much more excited to continue on my academic path and pushes me to work hard to get to where I want to be when I'm older. This trip ..."

Illinois State University
Past Review My Wonderful Experience In Granada CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"My experience abroad could have been nothing more than amazing. It gave me a different outlook on life and broadened my horizons. I now look forward to sharing my experience with other people and recommend each and every person to travel and discover the world."

Illinois State University
Past Review Germany: A Playground To Make Memories Paderborn University: Paderborn - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I loved my time abroad. It was an awesome adventure and I met some really great people. I would have probably liked it in a bigger city however. "

Illinois State University