
Illinois State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

To be considered for a study abroad program, you must:
• Be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 (Note: some programs require a higher GPA, see specific program flyer for details)
• Have completed at least two (2) college semesters prior to term of participation (If a transfer student, at least 30 hours of transfer credit or after completing one (1) full semester at ISU)
• Meet with a Study Abroad Advisor

Important Dates and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:
Fall semester – March 15th
Spring semester – September 15th
Summer term – Program deadlines vary, please see flyer for specific deadline information

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Study In Australia! Away From Everything And There Is Never A Worry! Griffith University: Gold Coast - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that there is more to the world than America. That you have to always keep an open mind and when you do great things will happen! I do not regret one second, one dollar, one action I made during this time abroad because it have been the best 5 months of my life. If you have the funds, studying in Australia is a must..."

Illinois State University
Past Review Amazing And Life Changing Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"A new perspective on life and people. I new understanding of other cultures. Visiting different countries and constantly learning new things."

Illinois State University
Past Review Fun In Florence Study Abroad Programs across Europe

"It was beyond worthwhile. I learned so much about life and myself. Nothing could ever replace what I have gained."

Illinois State University
Past Review My Amazing Teaching Experience In England! University of Brighton - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes it was worth while and has helped me identify beneficial aspects of the English school system and integrate them into my teaching."

Illinois State University
Past Review An Indescribable Amazing Experience That I Could Not Trade For The World. CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I cannot not even put into a small number of words what I gained and learned. It was the most worthwhile experience of my life. No other experience could put my mind in a new mindset and understanding as I now have."

Illinois State University
Past Review My Time In Scotland Was Amazing! University of Stirling: Stirling - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I definitely feel that it was worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and about the world in general. It was amazing to have such an experience of independence and to see Europe. I did feel, though, that this particular program did not leave time for traveling as much as others which was disappointing. Although classes ended at..."

Illinois State University
Past Review This Was The Best Experience That I Have Done In My Academic Career Study Abroad Programs in England

"Gained: many friends, different cultures from all around the world, traveling experience, etc. Was very worthwhile "

Illinois State University
Past Review The Best Decision I Ever Made. Salzburg College: Semester Study Abroad in Austria

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and Europe. I loved every minute of it, and I wouldn't trade a second of it."

Illinois State University
Past Review It Was Much Like Attending An American University. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"It was certainly worthwhile. I learned a lot about the processes of intercultural communication. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Angers L'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest / Catholic University of the West: Angers - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My French language skills improved and I made great connections with my host family. I got to see a lot of Europe, it was definitely worthwhile."

Illinois State University
Past Review Stupendously Terrific University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned what English culture is like. Yes, it was worthwhile."

Illinois State University
Past Review It Was Great Everyone Should Study Abroad. University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Definitely worthwhile gained a lot of communication skills."

Illinois State University
Past Review A Wonderful Experience CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I've really learned to be more open minded towards other people and other cultures. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Best Time Of My Life, Studying Abroad In Italy Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"Studying abroad was the greatest decision I ever made. I met the best people, had so much fun, saw the world, and learned so much. I feel like I've become a better version of myself and I am so incredibly thankful I had this opportunity."

Illinois State University
Past Review A Definite Learning Experience CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Granada, Spain

"I learned a lot about myself and I learned how to communicate better, as well as about a new culture. It was definitely worthwhile"

Illinois State University
Past Review Crash Course In European Culture Centre International d'Etudes Francaises (CIDEF): Angers - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile: I have gained so much knowledge about other cultures and myself, as well as improved my French speaking skills in all aspects."

Illinois State University
Past Review University Of Leicester Was The Best Four Months Of My Life. University of Leicester: Leicester - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to be even more independent. I learned how to navigate myself around foreign countries. I learned that there is so much more the world. It was an all around amazing experience. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Uppsala Everything I'd Hoped It Would Be And More. Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how rewarding it is to take chances and how independent I can really be. I also learned a ton about people my age from all over the world. Definitely a worthwhile experience. "

Illinois State University
Past Review It Is What You Make It, The More You Put In, The More You Take Out Lorenzo de’ Medici – Tuscania

"Mainly communicating with other people from all over the world, including the Americans. I think it was worthwhile. "

Illinois State University
Past Review How To Have The Best Craic! University of Limerick: Limerick - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned how to be independent and gained self-confidence. I also learned a lot about the world and myself, along with the actual classes I attended. It was absolutely worthwhile and I would suggest it to anyone. "

Illinois State University
Past Review The Best Experience I Have Ever Encountered. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I grew up in my eyes and met so many amazing people. It really opens up the world and makes you think about enjoying life a little more sometimes. "

Illinois State University
Past Review Learning Experience Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"It was worth every minute but I would have liked to live with people from a different school. It was difficult to meet people in the classroom because majority of people came with at least three friends and they all took classes together. I was lucky enough to have one friend that I perviously knew and we were able to travel tog..."

Illinois State University
Past Review Everyone Must Study Abroad!! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I grew up a lot and became a lot more independent. I was really homesick at first but once I got over that it was the best experience of my life."

Illinois State University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Experience. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"I found myself through this experience. I learned how to be independent and completely self-sufficient. It was definitely worthwhile. I wish I could do it all over again. "

Illinois State University