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IMLS: Institut Méditerranéen de Langues/Services (Montpellier, France)


IMLS: Institut Méditerranéen de Langues/Services is a university located in Montpellier, France offering 1 program managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad, Volunteer, Intensive Language, Gap Year, and Research abroad programs.

The IMLS offers a variety of French language programs for international students wishing to improve their language skills at the IMLS or at the university, participate in cultural activities, discover and immerse themselves in French society through volunteering in the community (health, education, culture or humanitarian activities).

Study Abroad with IMLS: Institut Méditerranéen de Langues/Services

September 20, 2024

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Study Abroad Reviews for IPSL: France - French Language & Culture and Euro-Mediterranean Studies
IPSL: France - French Language & Culture and Euro-Mediterranean Studies

The IPSL Global Institute at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM.edu) has designed and delivered international programs focusing on experiential learning, et...


1 review

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