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International Academy Antonella (Ascoli Piceno , Italy)


International Academy Antonella is a university located in Ascoli Piceno , Italy offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

IAA is located in the heart of Ascoli Piceno, a medieval city in central Italy. IAA’s program focuses principally on giving students an in-depth Italian language experience enriched with two other scholastic programs: “Medieval Studies” and “Italian Cultural Studies”. IAA has been approved by the European Union and, as their council determined that IAA’s unique cultural exchange has the ability to stimulate both the economy and academic endeavors, it was granted their financial support.

Study Abroad with International Academy Antonella

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for International Academy Antonella: Study Abroad in Ascoli Piceno, Italy
International Academy Antonella: Study Abroad in Ascoli Piceno, Italy

The Study Abroad program at IAA is designed to foster and develop cultural exchange opportunities for international students. Participants can gain college credit, which i...


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