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International Language Institute - IH Cairo (Cairo, Egypt)


International Language Institute - IH Cairo is a university located in Cairo, Egypt offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad and Intensive Language abroad programs.

IH Cairo ILI is part of the International House Worldwide Organization (IHWO), which now has 150 schools worldwide. Established in 1975, we are now an official IHWO specialized Arabic language school. Since opening IH Cairo's doors in 1975, we have had thousands of international students learn with us every year.

Study Abroad with International Language Institute - IH Cairo

September 25, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for International Language Institute: Cairo - Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)
International Language Institute: Cairo - Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)

MSA is the written language of Arabic. MSA or 'Fus'ha' is used in academia and the formal media, meaning that as students progress they become able to follow Middle Easter...


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