Ithaca College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Ithaca College is a coeducational, nonsectarian private college located on the South Hill of Ithaca, New York, United States. The school was founded by William Egbert in 1892 as a conservatory of music.

Important Dates and Deadlines

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Past Review Amazing! European Study Center: Heidelberg - Study Abroad in the EU

"I learned how to navigate a foreign country on my own, so not only did I become more independent but I also gained more confidence."

Ithaca College
Past Review Best Decision Ever IES Abroad: Berlin - Urban Studies & Social Sciences

"This experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned that time is valuable and to never waste a day, as there was always something to do there. I gained confidence when speaking a different language, even thought how bad it sounded or came off. I also learned that every culture is different and it really is special when you feel..."

Ithaca College
Past Review Best Decision For My Education IES Abroad: Granada - Liberal Arts & Language

"I got to improve my Spanish language skills while also immersing myself into a culture unfamiliar to me. With this, I gained a lot of independence and confidence in myself."

Ithaca College
Past Review Find Your Own Opportunities In Buenos Aires CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Buenos Aires, Argentina

"As cheesy as it may sound, I honestly feel like I did change this semester. I feel like I became more independent and I learned more about myself. Since the CEA academics were rather easy, I used my free time to focus on more paths of self-discovery. Buenos Aires changed me for the better. "

Ithaca College
Past Review Thank You, Cis Abroad CISabroad (Center for International Studies): Semester in Scotland

"Studying abroad with CIS was the best decision I have ever made. From the moment I applied, their program was thorough, clear, and simple, and their team is responsive, passionate, and caring. Over a year ago, I showed interest in studying with CISAbroad. I was almost immediately contacted by the representative that specialized ..."

Ithaca College
Past Review The Best Semester Of My Life, Brought To Me Through Cea CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"So much more than I could ever write here. How to meet new people, how to be open-minded to all of the other people in the world. How to handle the everyday tasks of being adult."

Ithaca College
Past Review An Unforgettable Semester In Freiburg IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"I gained a definite sense of independence and a mentality that life is largely about enjoying the present moment. I challenged myself to go out and try new things and take advantage of every opportunity that came my way because it might be the only time I will ever get to. My experience abroad was absolutely worthwhile and I wou..."

Ithaca College
Past Review Que Pena De Ser Ciego En Granada IES Abroad: Granada - Liberal Arts & Language

"I gained a new confidence in myself and a vast knowledge about a timeless city. It was absolutely a worthwhile experience."

Ithaca College
Past Review An Immersion Into Community Center for Ecological Living & Learning: Solheimar - Iceland Program

"I learned so much about sustainability through community, and simply the importance of love and community in all our different interactions. "

Ithaca College
Past Review Study Abroad In Santiago, Chile: I Loved Every Second! IES Abroad: Santiago - Health Studies

"I learned more than I ever imagined while abroad. I learned how to be more independent. I gained knowledge on a variety of subjects, including the Chilean healthcare system. I greatly improved my Spanish-speaking abilities. I formed meaningful relationships and gained lots of new friends!! I learned how to take chances and be ad..."

Ithaca College
Past Review My Time In Rome IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"I say to my friends when they ask me how Rome was that it was "unironically life-changing". I remember being nervous at the idea of traveling abroad, reading reviews like this, and thinking, "Yeah right. Inspiring...pooh!" Rome humbled me in a way. It is a city that is startling and frightening at first, and then it takes y..."

Ithaca College
Past Review Adventure And Inspiration In New Zealand IES Abroad: Christchurch Direct Enrollment - University Of Canterbury

"My experience was incredibly worthwhile. I gained a heighten ability to move through life at my own pace, I found a sense of direction regarding plans for the future, and I continued to absorb the beauty that our world posses. "

Ithaca College
Past Review A Dream Come True SSA Education Abroad: Seville - Semester, Year or Summer in Seville

"My ability to communicate in Spanish and learn effectively greatly improved during my time abroad. Living in Sevilla taught me independence and helped me gain a more global perspective on life. "

Ithaca College
Past Review Wicked Awesome Time IES Abroad: Amsterdam - Psychology & Sciences

"YES YES YES. I didn't know anything about the world before I went abroad and know I have a face to associate with more than 12 countries from all over the world. "

Ithaca College
Past Review Would Do Again!! IES Abroad: Christchurch Direct Enrollment - University Of Canterbury

"My study abroad experience was incredibly worthwhile! I am so happy I decided to do it, as I experienced large amounts of growth in a multitude of ways. As cliche as it sounds, I did gain more independence than I previously had, primarily because you must take initiative yourself, there's less of a parental buffer and autonomy d..."

Ithaca College
Past Review Incredible 4 Months IES Abroad: Milan - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I felt comfortable in new environments, stressful situations or uneasy situations that I was able to handle well and gained a lot of confidence."

Ithaca College
Past Review A Trip Of A Lifetime IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"I learned a lot about myself being abroad. Although being homesick does happen a few times, being abroad is worth it! "

Ithaca College
Past Review Ich Liebe Freiburg IES Abroad: Freiburg - European Union: Politics, Law & Economics

"I learned how to be a more easy going and understanding person. Additionally, I learned that no matter what happens, it will all be okay in the end. "

Ithaca College
Past Review A Four Month Fairytale IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of Sydney

"I learned how to support myself and grew a great deal of independence. I became so much more mature and adult like, all while having the most incredible time. It was so worthwhile!"

Ithaca College
Past Review Best Time Ever! IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of Sydney

"It was so worthwhile! I got out of my comfort zone and met people who are unforgettable and have changed my way of thinking. Not to mention Australia is the most beautiful place in the world. "

Ithaca College
Past Review Sydney, Australia: The Most Amazing City In The World IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of Sydney

"I learned how to maneuver a completely foreign city, make friends with people of different cultural backgrounds, and just became more mature in general. This experience was very worthwhile."

Ithaca College
Past Review Sunshine In Siena IES Abroad: Siena - IES Abroad Center

"I learned how to be more independent and become more confident with myself. Yes, it was worthwhile."

Ithaca College
Past Review Amazing! IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of Sydney

"Studying abroad through IES at the University of Sydney was an incredible experience. From the moment I stepped off the plane I was in love with Australia. Switching up the environment in which you live and learn completely changes your worldview and provides you with opportunities that you never knew were out there. In additio..."

Ithaca College
Past Review Great Experience To Be Had, Happy That I Had The Opportunity To Go. Round River Conservation Studies - Taku River Watershed Program

"I got a chance to learn about conservation methods in a new light that I have not previously thought of."

Ithaca College
Past Review It's What You Make Of It IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"I learned how to change my mood for the better quickly and that sometimes it's best to focus on the simple things that make me happy like a walk, great food, and trying something new. It was completely worth while. "

Ithaca College