
Kansas State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Kansas State University, commonly shortened to Kansas State or K-State, is public research university with its main campus in Manhattan, Kansas, United States. Kansas State is the oldest public university in the state of Kansas.

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Kansas State University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Kansas State University student, please check with the Study Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review University Of Reading (England) Was The Best Experience Ever! ISA Study Abroad in Reading, England

"Yes, it was SO worthwhile! I would have stayed there for my entire college experience if I could have! Through this experience I've become a more relaxed person (I was a very stressed perfectionist before), much more independent and confident, and I accept myself more. I think that the English are much more accepting of individu..."

Kansas State University
Past Review Italy Changed My View On The World. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"It was all worthwhile. I learned that I was in a bubble, and I needed to open my eyes to different cultures and new ideas. Where I live isn't all there is. I also learned to better my life and how to live happier."

Kansas State University
Past Review Italy Changed My View On The World. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"It was all worthwhile. I learned that I was in a bubble, and I needed to open my eyes to different cultures and new ideas. Where I live isn't all there is. I also learned to better my life and how to live happier."

Kansas State University
Past Review Italy Changed My View On The World. Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"It was all worthwhile. I learned that I was in a bubble, and I needed to open my eyes to different cultures and new ideas. Where I live isn't all there is. I also learned to better my life and how to live happier."

Kansas State University
Past Review Uruguay (Vamooo Arrriibaa) Go And Find Out What That Means ISEP Exchange: Montevideo - Exchange Program at Universidad Católica del Uruguay

"Absolutely. I gained more from my experiences outside of the program and with the locals. It has cemented my plans: to study developmental economics and go to graduate school. "

Kansas State University
Past Review Studying Abroad Has Inspired Me To Move To Europe After Graduation! Regent’s University London: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes it was the best decision I ever made and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I can't wait to get back to Europe and experience even more cultures and lifestyles. "

Kansas State University
Past Review Ireland: I'll Be Back Soon API (Academic Programs International): Dublin - University College Dublin

"I gained proof that I am going into a profession that I will enjoy, and also found a city that I would love to live in as an adult. This study abroad experience has drastically changed my plans as I am now in a relationship with a girl from my host university, and have applied to return there for my post-graduate degree."

Kansas State University
Past Review Cimba Study Abroad In Italy Will Change Your Life I Guarantee It CIMBA: Paderno del Grappa - Undergraduate Program

"I gained a sense of independence and self-reliance. I learned how to cooperate with others on group projects and making plans for the weekends. "

Kansas State University
Past Review Prague Is A Lot Of Fun. Czech Technical University: Prague - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"So much fun. The experiences and friends I gained from this trip are incredible. It opens up your mind to completely different ways of life."

Kansas State University
Past Review Chile: It Will Open Your Eyes. Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso: Valparaiso - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I have a whole new appreciation for the U.S.A. and will love to travel more but appreciate my home country more than ever. "

Kansas State University
Past Review If I Can Study In The Czech Republic By Myself, I Can Conquer Anything. Masaryk University: Brno - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Like I mentioned above, it was the best experience of my life. While my studies and food experiences were not quite what I expected, I would still do it all over again in a heartbeat. I really miss all of it. It made me look at the United States completely differently and made me appreciate all the luxuries I have at home, such ..."

Kansas State University
Past Review Italy: Expanded Woman's Creativity And Design Knowledge! Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"Yes! I loved the art and architecture! It encouraged me to pursue my interior design degree."

Kansas State University
Past Review Finding Myself In Denmark Aarhus University: Aarhus - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying abroad for me really helped me find myself. I was in situations that i felt were really character building. You learn that you either run or get ran over. I think it's a life changing experience that teaches you valuable lessons about who you are and makes you a more well-rounded individual."

Kansas State University
Past Review Lima ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru

"Absolutely, and for going the first time, I would recommend using a program, but next time, I would go on my own because I know more now and the activities and support among other things would not be as worth the money for me. "

Kansas State University
Past Review Prague: Beatifully Small But Complex Czech Technical University: Prague - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I had never been out of the country and i gained a lot of independence and understanding of the world. Also, taught me how to plan things well. "

Kansas State University
Past Review Amazing Time On Exchange In Prague University of Economics: Prague - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes, I have the travel bug now. I feel very 'worldly' and I learned a lot about myself and other people and cultures."

Kansas State University
Past Review Can't Wait To Go Back! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Seville, Spain

"I loved studying in Spain!! It was hands down the best experience of my life. After studying in Sevilla, I became a more independent person who can handle change a whole lot better. Studying in Spain opened my eyes to traveling and now I can't get enough of it. I want to travel everywhere, experience new things, and meet new..."

Kansas State University
Past Review Ortigia Small Island, Big Experience Italy Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I am thankful from where I come from and I would love another opportunity to travel and learn about the world. "

Kansas State University
Past Review Studying In Germany, A Whirlwind Of A Year. Justus-Liebig-Universitat Gießen: Giessen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My study abroad experience was amazing. The academics were great and I enjoyed my time in the classroom, but I think had I to do it over again, I would have applied directly to Giessen for my degree program, and not done an exchange."

Kansas State University
Past Review Chile: The Greatest Country To Study Abroad In Ever! ISA Study Abroad in Valparaíso/Viña del Mar, Chile

"Yes, I not only became much better at Spanish, but I also matured immensely and made friends that I will keep for the rest of my life. It also made me realize how many things we take for granted here in the U.S. Finally, it reassured the fact that someday, I wish to use Spanish everyday for whatever job I may obtain. "

Kansas State University
Past Review España: When In Salamanca ... University of Salamanca: Salamanca - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My experience was worthwhile because I learned to think from a different perspective as well as practiced my communication skills in the native language. "

Kansas State University
Past Review I Wanna Go Back! ISA Study Abroad in Cusco, Peru

"Confidence in my speaking abilities, Motivation to travel, Security in my own skin."

Kansas State University