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LABA Libera Accademia Belle Arti (Brescia, Italy)


LABA Libera Accademia Belle Arti is a university located in Brescia, Italy offering 2 direct enrollment and exchange programs and 2 programs managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Study Abroad with LABA Libera Accademia Belle Arti

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for LABA – Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze: Florence - Direct Enrollment
LABA – Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze: Florence - Direct Enrollment

Firenze Arti Visive, School of Fine Arts is an innovative studio arts and Italian culture program committed to expand student's outlooks by encouraging creativity and new ...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Dolomit Summer School on Lake Garda
Dolomit Summer School on Lake Garda

Dolomit is an innovative provider of international education opportunities in Trentino, the butterfly-shap...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for Dolomit: Trentino - Italian Language Classes
Dolomit: Trentino - Italian Language Classes

Dolomit is an innovative provider of international education opportunities in Trentino, the butterfly-shaped province of Northeast Italy. Students here enjoy the natural a...


0 reviews

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