
Lewis-Clark State College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Lewis-Clark State College offers multiple types of programs to study away and experience the world and its diverse cultures. Programs are offered through exchanges with other universities and with faculty-led study tours, as well as through ISA (International Studies Abroad) and NSE (National Student Exchange). If you've completed 30 credits and have a GPA above 2.75, you're qualified to study abroad! Learn more on our website. http://www.lcsc.edu/study-away/prospective-students/

Important Dates and Deadlines

The deadline for exchange programs in the fall semester is March 1, or you can apply for the spring semester by October 1.
ISA program deadlines vary, though it is recommended to apply by February 15 for fall and September 1 for spring.

For more information on how you can study away, email Heather Davis, the Study Away coordinator, at hndavis@lcsc.edu or stop by the International Programs Office in RCH 23! Hours are 8-5 on weekdays. Phone: (208)792-2177

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Past Review I Loved Everything About Australia: The People, The Places, The Academics. University of the Sunshine Coast: Queensland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that the world is big and you should never settle. It was the most worthwhile I have done in my life."

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review An Incredible Experience That I Will Never Forget. ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"I gained cultural knowledge of what it is like in other countries, language experience, and I made friends that will last a lifetime. It was absolutely worthwhile. "

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review Way Too Much Bread, Not Enough Feta ISA Study Abroad in Athens, Greece

"The experience was definitely worthwhile, but what I learned is hard to put into words. The experience of going to a foreign country for the first time, living there on my own without family to rely on, and learning more about the modern culture of my heritage while exploring the remnants of the ancient world was just absolutely..."

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review Great ISA Study Abroad in Dublin, Ireland

"The traveling around the country and abroad into Europe "

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review I Miss You, Ulsan! University of Ulsan: Ulsan - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was more worthwhile that I can explain. I gained so much confidence and so many useful skills. If you have the chance to go, please go."

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review This Was The Best Culture Shock That I Wanted. National Student Exchange (NSE): New York - SUNY Binghamton

"I learned that there is divers communities everywhere around us and to be open to change."

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review Well Dublin, I Like You A Lot. ISA Study Abroad in Dublin, Ireland

"I learned more about myself and others while independently experiencing new cultures. I gained new perspectives from being outside of the United States and thoroughly enjoyed being outside of my comfort zone. "

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime ISA Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica

"I advanced in my Spanish-speaking skills so much more than I could have ever done in the U.S. because of the immersion and necessity to use the language in daily life. I also gained new perspectives on life being in a completely different culture than I was used to, which made me more open-minded and has helped shaped who I am a..."

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review My Study Abroad Experience: The Most Challenging, Yet Most Rewarding Experience Thusfar. ISA Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

"See above mostly... but the reason that I would not choose this program again is because although Barcelona is amazing and it will always have a place in my heart, I feel that what I was looking for out of my experience could have been found in another city. Better personal relationships with the locals, a smaller city, less ni..."

Lewis-Clark State College
Past Review The Experience Of Sevilla ISA Study Abroad in Sevilla, Spain

"I didn't realize how much it changed me until I came home. I am much more independent now, and have a heightened sense of cultural awareness. I have a new desire to see and experience new things."

Lewis-Clark State College