Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge student, please check with the Office of Academic Programs Abroad for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information

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Past Review Be Comfortable With The Uncomfortable! Have An Adventure! International Business Seminars: Winter Southeast Asia

"I experienced so much in SE Asia, but I think the most important thing I took away was the culture. It was completely different from the Western way of life. Not better or worse but just different, and it works for them. I come back with a more open mind, and I am more prepared for a dynamic environment. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review I Would Recommend This Trip To Anyone Who Was Considering It! International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"What I learned from my experience abroad is how a culture affects a business’ practices. The typical American business culture is to earn as much money as possible. European culture is much different in that they are concerned about environmental conservation and many people are not concerned with advancement in their career or ..."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review So Many Experiences In So Little Time! International Business Seminars: Winter MBA Europe

"I learned in depth knowledge on a plethora of subjects I may not have researched had I been on my own. meeting so many new people and exploring all of these new places with them was an unforgettable experience for me and I can't wait to do it again! I learned I can hold my own in a foreign place and with confidence too!"

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"I gained perspective on different aspects of business that I didn't know existed prior"

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review An Experience I Will Remember Forever. International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"This trip taught me a lot about adapting to new environments, time management, team work, and learning about international business. Which is valued in the United States for businesses who are unaware of how hard this may be, with the different cultures. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review The Trip Gave Me New Experiences Where I Learned A Lot About Myself! International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"3- From my experience abroad I learned to be confident in myself. I think this simple fact made the trip worthwhile. I was able to face new challenges and adventures everyday which gave me more confidence in my own abilities. I was able to use what I have learned in the past to help me in each situation. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review A Great Way To See The World & Get College Credit Without Going To Class. International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"I learned about other cultures and also about myself!"

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review An Amazing Experience That I Will Never Forget International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"What life is like in another country, it was worthwhile. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Study Abroad In London,Paris,Geneva,Heidelberg And Amsterdam: Life Changing! International Business Seminars: Winter Europe

"I gained a better understanding of how the rest of the world works and lives everyday. I also gained the experience of networking. It was worth every penny I paid for this trip"

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review You Wont Regret It! International Business Seminars: Winter MBA Europe

"I learned a lot about how our cultures compared to other people are so drastically different. It is totally worth every moment of your life to do something like this."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review An Amazing Opportunity! International Business Seminars: Winter Southeast Asia

"My experience abroad was completely worthwhile. Hearing how successful people do business is interesting in any country; but even more so when you hear about how they dealt with difficulties there and how they overcome them. They have to deal with language and cultural barriers in addition to working under different government r..."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Amazing!! International Business Seminars: Summer China

"Throughout my weeks in China, I learned this is one world and we are all in it together. Our social responsibility expands beyond our own communities and borders."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Best Abroad Experience Ever International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"I gained the opportunity to network with top-level business executives in a foreign country and outside of a classroom. I also had the opportunity to dive into the culture in all of the countries visited. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review What A World International Business Seminars: Summer China

"I learned that traveling opens up one's eyes to so much, and it encourages me to travel more and maybe live abroad for a little while one day. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Memory That Will Last Forever International Business Seminars: Summer China

"I gained respect for other cultures amd it was very mucch worthwhile "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review A Great Experience For Seeing How Business Works Internationally! International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"It was interesting to see how businesses function day to day in other countries. We are free to do what we want after our meetings are over so you definitely get to explore these new places and learn even more! "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Perfect Balance Of Business, Exploring And New Experiences International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"Seeing the different international businesses and how they operate and overcome challenges was very interesting. I didn't know much about the companies we visited before the trip, but now I am very knowledgeable about these companies "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review New Places, Forever Friends, Lasting Memories, Irreplaceable Experiences International Business Seminars: Winter MBA Europe

"i gained lifetime friends, learned my way around two cities in europe, 1000% worthwhile. i would do it all over again in a second. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review A Trip Of A Lifetime! International Business Seminars: Winter MBA Europe

"I learned more about the different cultures and feel like I really opened up as a person."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime. International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"That Europeans are extremely efficient. Definitely worth seeing how a different continent conducts business."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Change Planes, Change Outlook International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"I learned the value of presenting yourself professionally and networking. I also learned the importance of respecting the cultures of other countries and adapting. My experience was definitely worthwhile. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity. International Business Seminars: Summer Europe

"I learned a lot about business and international culture. It was definitely worthwhile."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review My Global Semester Experience University of Nicosia - Global Semesters: Nicosia - Semester in Cyprus

"Overall it was a good program, but there are a few changes I would recommend. I, only with other fellow students believed the beach to be a lot closer so more options of beach trips or accommodations would be nice. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review An Unforgettable Academic Experience To Four Countries In Sixteen Days International Business Seminars: Winter Europe

"I learned that there is a whole world outside of my own. I hadn't gone traveling outside of the US at all, so I was very used to the American, especially southern, culture. Being immersed in another culture was a very humbling experience in that I was in an unfamiliar place and had to rely asking others for directions, and som..."

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Past Review Study Abroad In Europe: One Of The Best Experiences Of My Life! International Business Seminars: Winter Europe

"This trip was absolutely worthwhile. I met friends that I will have for the rest of my life and gained knowledge that I will use forever. "

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge