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Mandarin Zone School (Beijing, China)


Mandarin Zone School is a university located in Beijing, China offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad, Intensive Language, Gap Year, and High School abroad programs.

Located in Sanlitun, the embassies’ area of Beijing. Founded in 2008, it’s a private Chinese language school that provides effective language training as well as other culture related service to non-native-speakers. With a variety of Chinese courses and programs for adult and children, for short term and long term, Mandarin Zone School offers the flexibility to choose the right program and course for your Chinese study.

Study Abroad with Mandarin Zone School

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Mandarin Zone School: Beijing - Chinese Language Study
Mandarin Zone School: Beijing - Chinese Language Study

Located in Sanlitun, the embassies’ area of Beijing, Mandarin Zone Schools a private Chinese language scho...


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