
Middlebury College

September 21, 2024

University Information

Each year more than 50% of the junior class at Middlebury studies abroad in more than 40 countries at more than 90 different programs and universities.

Mission Statement:

International Programs supports Middlebury’s mission to cultivate the intellectual, creative, physical, ethical, and social qualities essential for leadership in a rapidly changing global community. A student’s study abroad experience should be an integral and coherent part of his or her academic program at Middlebury, enhancing the on-campus curriculum and supporting a liberal arts education. To achieve these ends, Middlebury students study abroad on academically substantive programs that foster cultural and linguistic integration.

Middlebury Schools Abroad:

Middlebury has Schools Abroad at more than 40 universities in Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay.

Externally-Sponsored (Non-Middlebury) Programs:

Each year a significant number of Middlebury students study abroad on externally-sponsored programs (programs other than Middlebury Schools Abroad) in countries such as Australia, Botswana, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Greece, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and more!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Middlebury Students Study Abroad Deadline: FEBRUARY 1 (to study abroad the following fall, spring, or academic year)

Visit http://www.middlebury.edu/international/sa for more information.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Denmark An Amazing Culture And Lifechanging Experience DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Learned how to live in a city and in a different culture, learned a lot about myself. Very worthwhile"

Middlebury College
Past Review Dis Is A Great English Speaking Abroad Program DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I learned so much about Danish culture, which was a great experience. It's great to see a different perspective of the world, and step outside of the mental and physical boundaries of the U.S. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Loved Learning The Language SIT Study Abroad: Madagascar - Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management

"I loved gaining perspective on how people live in a completely different part of the world. Speaking French and Malagasy was a blast."

Middlebury College
Past Review Copenhagen: Safe, Beautiful, But Expensive And Cold! DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I am very thankful for my experience abroad, everyone should go if they have the chance! Copenhagen is an incredible city, I just found the workload difficult as my priority was to travel. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Challenging St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I learned a lot about functioning independently, with regard to social and academic experiences"

Middlebury College
Past Review The Best Thing Middlebury Ever Did For Me Was To Send Me To Sea. Williams College: Mystic - Williams-Mystic Maritime Studies Program

"I learned a ton about my own discipline—ships and sailing, maritime technology, museum studies, etc.—and about myself—how I present myself, how I work most efficiently, how I should organize my thoughts on paper and in person, how I rest and recreate, what I like in friends, how I like to be challenged and questioned, etc, etc. ..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Amazing Experience Where I Was Able To See The World UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"I learned about different cultures, specifically the culture in the Czech Republic. "

Middlebury College
Past Review A Fantastic Time Abroad Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"It was an excellent educational experience, both in a traditional academic sense as well as with cultural understanding."

Middlebury College
Past Review A Good Program — With Some Reservations Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Mainz

"I really enjoyed the opportunity to get comfortable living in a new space where I was less familiar with the culture. While the university was not as academically challenging as I would have liked, I appreciated being able to meet students in Germany and gain an understanding of how the system there is different from what I am u..."

Middlebury College
Past Review It's Cold Over There Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Irkutsk

"It was incredibly worthwhile, but the program in Irkutsk is best suited to a specific kind of person, and I don't think that aspect of it was particularly well advertised"

Middlebury College
Past Review The Del(H)I (En)Counter: Great Food, Gorgeous Monuments Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Delhi

"Definitely worthwhile - I think I gained a greater grasp of what it's like to live fully independently in a city (not something I necessarily would've thought I'd ever do)."

Middlebury College
Past Review Great Academics Poor Social Integration Into Local Culture Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"I think on top of the rigorous academics, this program was good for learning how to live on your own. Also the kids in the program (while isolated from the locals) were very nice. "

Middlebury College
Past Review A Challenge That Led To Academic And Personal Growth. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Buenos Aires

"I gained reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills, and I learned about my major (International and Global Studies with a regional focus in Latin America) from a different perspective. It was worthwhile. "

Middlebury College
Past Review One Of The Most Challenging And Rewarding Parts Of My Studies Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Potsdam

"I had a great experience during my time abroad. I found that it was definitely worthwhile and would study through the same program if I was to do it again. I think one of the most important parts of the program is the freedom that it gives to students to explore what the host universities have to offer in terms of course offerin..."

Middlebury College
Past Review How To Be An American In France Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Poitiers

"From living on my own in a foreign country, I gained A LOT of independence. From paying rent to riding the public transportation to going to the emergency room, I gained a lot of valuable adult skills that I would not have otherwise developed at Middlebury. I also developed a lot of important travel skills, like flexibility and ..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Chile, Weon! Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Santiago

"My Spanish skills greatly improved!"

Middlebury College
Past Review Libraries. So Many Libraries. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury – CMRS Oxford Humanities Program

"Part of my more holistic experience was experiencing the UK and getting a sense of what a country that was a former colonizer, which still keeps somewhat peaceful ties with its colonies, has grown from those times to now. As well as getting to explore avenues of education I might want to venture in within the country."

Middlebury College
Past Review Great Immersion Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Moscow

"I improved my Russian skills, learned about a new culture, made some friends, and got out of my comfort zone."

Middlebury College
Past Review Enjoying Tokyo From Afar Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Tokyo

"Japanese language skills -- it was definitely worthwhile."

Middlebury College
Past Review A Great Time With Some Great Views The University of Auckland: Auckland - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Going abroad was extremely worthwhile. I gained a new level of independence and confidence in my ability to make things work even far from home, not previously knowing anybody. I also gained a new appreciation for academics and community at Middlebury after attending a big school which lacked the key aspects that I love about Mi..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Immersive, Intense, Fun, Rewarding. Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Beijing

"Incredibly worthwhile. Besides the huge growth in my language abilities, I made amazing friends and learned so much about myself and what I need as a person. "

Middlebury College
Past Review Rewarding And Unique Experience London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"I've gained a lot of perspective on the diversity that exists in the world in all aspects of life, and gave me a different educational experience that I had at my home institution. It helped me learn in new ways, and also allowed me to appreciate my institution at home more. But more than the academic experience, I gained the op..."

Middlebury College
Past Review Great Opportunity To Study In A Different Academic Environment Lincoln College, University of Oxford - Visiting Students Program

"I really liked the narrow focus of individual PPE courses at Oxford (when compared to Midd), it gave me much better insight into the topic than a more general Econ or PolSci class at Midd would do."

Middlebury College
Past Review The Adventure Of A Lifetime With Wonderful Friends University of Otago, New Zealand: Study Abroad Programme

"I gained so many friends from across the US, NZ, and the world. I learned a lot about New Zealand itself through living there but also through classes. I got to experience the feel of a large university. I would repeat this semester over again in a heartbeat. One of the best decisions I ever made, and probably the best 5 months ..."

Middlebury College