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Montpellier Espace Langues (Montpellier, France)


Montpellier Espace Langues is a university located in Montpellier, France offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Intensive Language abroad programs.

Established in 1995, Montpellier Espace Langues is a training centre specialising in teaching French to foreign students and organising language study trips. Every year, we welcome a diverse range of learners from all across the globe. We offer French courses to foreign students and organise language study trips for all age groups: young people, seniors, adults, students, professionals, teachers etc.

Study Abroad with Montpellier Espace Langues

September 21, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Montpellier Espace Langues: Intensive French Language Program
Montpellier Espace Langues: Intensive French Language Program

Montpellier Espace Langues is centrally located in the beautiful district of the Beaux Arts; our training ...


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