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Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies (Rabat, Morocco)


Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies is a university located in Rabat, Morocco offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program and 1 program managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad, Internship, Volunteer, and Intensive Language abroad programs.

Welcome to the Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies. We are a language school located in Rabat, Morocco and we are committed to teaching Arabic as a foreign language as well as providing a truly unique Moroccan cultural experience. Curious about learning Arabic, interning or volunteering in an innovative and immersive context? Explore our programs and get in touch with us today for more information.

Study Abroad with Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies: Rabat - Arabic Language, Volunteer and Internship Programs
Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies: Rabat - Arabic Language, Volunteer and Internship Programs

MCAS is a leading Arabic language center committed to teaching Arabic as a foreign language in order to open a window to the culture of any Arabic-speaking country. MCAS i...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Study Abroad Europe: Rabat - Summer and Semester Programs at Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies
Study Abroad Europe: Rabat - Summer and Semester Programs at Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies

The Moroccan Center for Arabic Studies (MCAS) offers programs for students with a strong interest in developing their Arabic language skills while learning firsthand cultu...


0 reviews

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