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Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oulu, Finland)


Oulu University of Applied Sciences is a university located in Oulu, Finland offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Oulu University of Applied Sciences educates successful experts and well-being to the northern region. We succeed because we are not afraid to try new things. We learn and challenge ourselves every day. At Oamk no one is left alone and we work together for our success. We believe in our dreams and make them a reality. We offer versatile, forward-thinking education and support the development of Oulu and Northern Finland with our research, development and innovation work.

Study Abroad with Oulu University of Applied Sciences

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Oulu University of Applied Sciences: Oulu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Oulu University of Applied Sciences: Oulu - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

Blow your mind and study at Oulu University of Applied Sciences! About 300 exchange students and 100 excha...


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