
Providence College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Study Abroad programs are organized by international education organizations, otherwise known as “program providers.” Program providers can be affiliated with a regular college or university, or they can be separate non-profit organizations. These providers work with academic institutions in the U.S. and abroad to create study opportunities that vary in duration from a summer, semester, or year in length.


All eligibility requirements remain in effect up to the point of departure

Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 (please note some programs may require a higher CGPA)

Must be in at least Junior standing at time of departure

Declared a major prior to December 1st of Sophomore year

Enroll in a minimum of 15 credits per semester abroad

No serious disciplinary record or current probation​

Important Dates and Deadlines

No important dates configured.
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Past Review Florence: Growth And Excitement CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Florence, Italy

"Yes, it was everything and more that I wanted it to be. More than anything, being abroad increased my self confidence which is most important to me."

Providence College
Past Review Time Of My Life In Italia! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"I really loved being abroad! But I definitely miss America and PC a lot. I would recommend the experience to anyone who is interested in learning about a new culture. "

Providence College
Past Review Sit In Amman Made Me Realize I Want To Work In The Middle East SIT Study Abroad: Jordan - Modernization and Social Change

"Yes it was extremely worthwhile, I would recommend people do a yearlong study abroad, of two programs and different places. Take advantage of study abroad while you are a student, because you won't be able to travel like this again. I plan on returning to Jordan after I graduate to perform research on Food Security and Water."

Providence College
Past Review You Learn A Lot About Yourself, But You Should Definitely Bring A Friend With You If You Come. IFSA: Galway - National University Ireland

"It teaches you a lot about yourself, and about what you like in life and what you would like to do. It was an invaluable experience, but I would defeinitely reccommend going with a friend, and if you don't like to drink, and/or are involved in your faith community at home, don't expect to find that in Ireland. "

Providence College
Past Review Paris Parfait CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"I have learned a tremendous amount about France and all of europe. My experience has exposed me to a plethora of interesting options for my future plans. This was the first time I lived in an apartment alone, it was like a dream getting used to this typically new experience in an atypical environment. I immediately felt at eas..."

Providence College
Past Review Study Abroad In Guatemala Opened My Eyes To The World Study Abroad Programs in Guatemala

"I think the most important aspect of my experience is that I returned home with a sense of global injustice, but also a sense of gratitude for my life. Many of the people I saw and met in Guatemala live with next to nothing, but they were some of the friendliest and good-hearted folks I have ever encountered. Also, after returni..."

Providence College
Past Review Life In Firenze Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"It changed my life."

Providence College
Past Review Florence Italy Gave Me A New Perspective! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Amazing! I would do it again in a heartbeat"

Providence College
Past Review Florence Is My New Favorite City! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Definitely worthwhile and I really appreciate and love learning about different cultures now. "

Providence College
Past Review Florence The Time Of My Life!!! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Definitely, the best experience of my life. I was able to see so much of the world and learning so much about myself, that I never would have if I haded studied abroad. "

Providence College
Past Review King's College = Amazing Arcadia: London - King's College London

"Absolutely. You gain so much self-awareness, as a person, student, and American citizen, perspective, resourcefulness, confidence, and academic and social knowledge."

Providence College
Past Review A Year In Denmark DIS Copenhagen: Semester


Providence College
Past Review Barcelona: A Home & Vacation In One City CIEE: Barcelona - Business & Culture

"extremely worthwhile, it was an amazing experience that I will treasure for a life-time"

Providence College
Past Review Melbourne: Culture, Class, Outback IFSA: Melbourne - University of Melbourne

"Yes, it taught me more about myself and my goals than continuing at my home university for four years alone. "

Providence College
Past Review Sevilla: The City That Made Me The Person That I Want To Be CIEE: Seville - Liberal Arts

" Studying abroad was the most scary, courageous, but amazing thing I have ever done, and possibly ever will do. I grew up so much as a person and gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world. Studying abroad just emphasized my decision to have spanish as one of my majors and I definitely want to keep pursuing the..."

Providence College
Past Review Australia Was The Best Six Months Of My Life! Arcadia: Brisbane - Queensland University of Technology

"My study abroad experience was defiantly worthwhile and I would not change anything about it. I gained a better understanding of myself and what I want out of life. I had an amazing time being in a different country learning about its people and culture while being able to see a part of the world i may have never been able to se..."

Providence College
Past Review Dis: Denmark Is Superb DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"I still haven't fully grasped all the ways I've changed while I've been away, but I know that nothing can begin to compare with my experience abroad, and I fully believe that everyone should make an effort to do any study abroad program they're interested in. "

Providence College
Past Review Dis Was The Best Decision Of My Life! DIS Copenhagen: Semester


Providence College
Past Review Eye Opening Global Health In Costa Rica Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS): Costa Rica- Tropical Disease, Environmental Change and Human Health

"Yes; validated my aspirations of going into Health Care; changed perspectives on my own country and the world around me"

Providence College
Past Review Becoming A Proficient German University Student Within A Semester. Heidelberg University: Heidelberg - American Junior Year Program

"I have become fluent in the German language. I studied and practiced my German everyday. It was an extremely rewarding experience."

Providence College
Past Review Amazing 4 Months!! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Yes, definitely the best experience of my life! I learned so much about myself and a new culture and I really enjoyed everyday while I was there."

Providence College
Past Review Sevilla A Semester To Remember CIEE: Seville - Business + Society


Providence College
Past Review The Most Amazing Time In Florence! Fairfield University: Florence - Semester or Year in Italy

"Absolutely!! It was the best 4 months of my life and I gained so many new experiences and friends. I can not wait to go back to florence."

Providence College