Sarah Lawrence College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Sarah Lawrence College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Sarah Lawrence College student, please check with the Office of International & Exchange Programs for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Raggio Di Sole Sarah Lawrence in Florence

"I had no idea that love could be oozing out of culture and its people. I really had no idea. I still (admittedly) choke up about the love I felt in every single moment in and out of school. It's really indescribable what this experience meant to me. I was never happier in my life. The culmination of everyone behind the Sara..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review The Best Year Of My Academic Career Sarah Lawrence College: Oxford - Sarah Lawrence in Oxford

"I learned how much I could work, how hard I could work, and how well I could balance work with play. It was absolutely worthwhile."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Fantastic Sarah Lawrence in Florence

"I learned to live on my own. I learn how to speak the language daily without the fear of messing up. It was one of the best experiences in my life. "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review An Amazing Academic And Personal Experience. Sarah Lawrence in Florence

"I definitely learned what I took for granted in my own country, but also greatly appreciated what was in Italy that was not back home. I acquired a new perspective being a part of an entirely different lifestyle, and I felt relatively integrated by the end of the study abroad experience."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Sarah Lawrence In Paris Sarah Lawrence College: Paris - Sarah Lawrence College in Paris

"It was definitely worthwhile. It's too much to sum up in a few words, but it's so important to just go an live some place different."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Amazingly Fabulous People And Good Times In Nottingham University of Nottingham: Nottingham - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned an amazing amount about myself and what I want from life as well as just how much I can actually accomplish all on my own because I really was all alone at the start of the year. I also gained an appreciation for just how widely diverse our world is even in a country like England where they speak the same language. I ..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review A 'First' In Academics And The Best Time I've Spent Living In Another Country Sarah Lawrence College: Oxford - Sarah Lawrence in Oxford

"Completely worthwhile! I became much more assertive and confident in what I want to study. Being at Oxford meant being around people whose passion and love for what they do is not only tangible but contagious. It was incredibly refreshing to meet people like that and inspire in me a similar attitude that has already begun to gui..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Incredible, Challenging, And Worthwhile CIEE: Beijing - Intensive Chinese Language

"That every challenge (no matter how challenging) should be seen as an opportunity! "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review The Experience Of A Lifetime Apply Sarah Lawrence College: Oxford - Sarah Lawrence in Oxford

"If you are thinking of applying to Oxford, please don't hesitate! If you are passionate about your academic work, if you want to grow as an intellectual and as a person, if you want to use the UK as your home base to travel inexpensively throughout Europe, if you want to be a part of one of the best colleges in the university, a..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Nothing Less Than Magical. Sarah Lawrence College: Paris - Sarah Lawrence College in Paris

"It was more than worthwhile. Like every study abroad student, I would like to say life-changing, and stick with it no matter how cheesy it sounds. The French academic system, at least as regards their approach to art history, really helped me to ground my academic work and not stray so much into theory. My life outside of school..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Lost, Dazed, And Confused Sarah Lawrence College: Oxford - Sarah Lawrence in Oxford

"My experience was only worthwhile in the fact that it taught me to appreciate my life in the US, and to not take my life there for granted. "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Paris Was Amazing! CIEE: Paris - French And Critical Studies

"I learned and gained way too much to write in a survey. Friends, experiences, understanding, another city to call my own. It was fantastic."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Amazing Maynooth University: Maynooth - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"of course! i made lifelong friends, as well as learned a lot about myself. I also know a lot about Irish culture, which is nice :)"

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Unfortunate Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"It was not worthwhile for me. I know a few people who really enjoyed themselves. It depends on the individual and the intensity of their previous experiences. Whether or not a student enjoys their time their depends on the other students "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review The Best Decision I Have Ever Made. Sarah Lawrence College: London - London Theatre Program

"I gained more confidence in myself and my abilities as a theater maker, the knowledge to help me continue improving, and the absolute time of my life. It was certainly, without a doubt, the best decision I have ever made."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review An Unexpected Joy Sarah Lawrence in Florence

"This trip was more than worthwhile. It truly changed my life and the way I view the world. I highly recommend studying for the entire year. Florence is so complex that it cannot even be partially grasped in a year abroad, but a year is far better than a semester. I met so many wonderful people here. I grew as both a young adult ..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Pretty Good. Sarah Lawrence in Florence

"Yes, it was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about the Italian culture, although I did feel very alien to it. "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Adventure Sea Education Association: Programs at Sea - Oceans and Climate

"I gained confidence and a broader sense of the world."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Getting Lost Around The World: Finding, Losing And Using Public Transportation SIT Study Abroad: IHP - Cities in the 21st Century: People, Planning and Politics (Fall 1)

"the amount of self-confidence, curiosity and independence I gained this semester was immense. I highly recommend this program. "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Indonesia: Spicy Poeple, Bland Education SIT Study Abroad: Indonesia - Arts, Religion, and Social Change

"In a country rapidly westernizing, I learned that people with less concern for objects have happier lifestyles. "

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Accademia Dell'arte: Why Arezzo Is The Best Accademia dell'Arte: Arezzo - Performing Arts in Tuscany

"I can't even put into words all that I gained. So much knowledge and confidence, and so many friends, and that's only the concrete things. There should be a 'Hell Yes' answer for "Would you choose the same program?" I loved it so much. It's inspired me to try and become at least semi-fluent in Italian, and it's convinced me I..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Accademia Dell'arte: Art In Italy In Three Months Accademia dell'Arte: Arezzo - Performing Arts in Tuscany

"My whole study abroad experience was somewhat strange. In some ways, I wish I had spent a year in London rather than coming to Italy. But I can't regret the experiences I have, or the discovery of so many new theatrical forms that I find really inspiring. The beautiful places I went, the amazing food I ate, and the great friends..."

Sarah Lawrence College
Past Review Accademia Dell'arte: Art In Italy In Three Months Accademia dell'Arte: Arezzo - Performing Arts in Tuscany

"My whole study abroad experience was somewhat strange. In some ways, I wish I had spent a year in London rather than coming to Italy. But I can't regret the experiences I have, or the discovery of so many new theatrical forms that I find really inspiring. The beautiful places I went, the amazing food I ate, and the great friends..."

Sarah Lawrence College