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Scuola Tricolore (Genoa, Italy)


Scuola Tricolore is a university located in Genoa, Italy offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Intensive Language and Gap Year abroad programs.

Specialised Italian language school in Genoa, Italy! The school is situated in the historic centre of Genoa - the biggest medieval city centre in Europe - a beautiful city located in a beautiful area on the sea (Liguria), often referred to as the 'flower Riviera'. Many different courses available for every need, study objective and level, and all year round: different group courses, individual lessons, combined courses - both group and individual. For special needs we provide crash courses, weekend classes, specialised conversational classes, Italian + cooking courses and University and exam preparation courses. Long-term courses are offered at special discounted rates. The school is also an official CILS exam centre.

In addition numerous leisure activities and excursions are available, like wine tastings, cooking courses, hiking tours, sailing trips, city walks, free seminars, Italian movies and more. Discover Genoa with our special tours: guided tour of historical specialty stores of Genoa, and the Historical Churches of Genoa.

Study Abroad with Scuola Tricolore

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Scuola Tricolore: Genoa - Italian Language School
Scuola Tricolore: Genoa - Italian Language School

Interested in learning Italian? And to do so in a captivating environment in Italy? Then you might consider Scuola Tricolore. The school is situated in the heart of Genoa,...


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