Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

September 20, 2024

University Information

Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity for a student. Getting started is easy! Study Abroad 101 sessions provide you with a basic overview of the process of studying overseas.

If you have questions, please call the office at x1279. The International Programs Office is located in Ceddia Union Building CUB, Room 221.

Important Dates and Deadlines

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Past Review A Truly Amazing And Humbling Experience, Can't Wait To Do It Again. Mexico Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I gained the ability to have to relationships in a new language and see the world from a new perspective. "

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Past Review Fantastic Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I had many opportunities to attend free cultural events which complemented all that I was learning in class. Invaluable. "

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Adventure Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I gained an insight of others in different countries live and go about their daily lives."

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Past Review Best Experience Of My Life!!! Study Abroad Programs in Greece

"I've traveled all over, but Greece has captured my heart. The culture and history was so captivating I didn't want to leave. In total of a month with my program I visited six different islands and Athens, which I would have never been able to do without them. Even if you are unsure about studying abroad, definitely look farther ..."

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Past Review My Favorite College Experience American College Dublin: Irish Language & Culture Program

"I met a ton of people from all over the world. I cannot wait to travel back to Europe and visit friends. Traveling also opened up my eyes to how big the world really is. Moving back stateside was sad and all I can think about is traveling. The trip was definitely worthwhile. If someone offered me a ticked back to Dublin right no..."

Shippensburg University
Past Review Unforgettable CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Madrid, Spain

"That there are so many ways at viewing the world, I really became sympathetic to other cultures views. Best decision I ever made to study abroad."

Shippensburg University
Past Review European Studies, Faculty Led Program Study Abroad Programs across Europe

"the course was well organized and planned so that no time was wasted and we were able to visit many historical and political points of interest such as the Vatican in Rome and NATO in Brussels. "

Shippensburg University
Past Review Sevilla The Great City On The River ISA Study Abroad in Sevilla, Spain

"I gained insight and a different view of the world and of the United States. I learned a lot about myself and the world I live in. It was the biggest thing I've done in my life so far and it changed my life and has had the biggest impact on me. I want to go back with friends from home and see my Spanish friends and host family."

Shippensburg University
Past Review Austria: A Great Balance Of Facts And Fun With Cultural Studies Academy Tours Study Abroad Programs in Austria

"Oh my goodness, yes! This was my first abroad experience and I wish I could afford to go back!"

Shippensburg University
Past Review Paris: An Amazing And Rewarding Cultural Experience API (Academic Programs International): Paris- Cours De Civilisation Francaise De La Sorbonne

"My study abroad was DEFINITELY worthwhile! I would love to go back for a much longer time! It really opened my eyes to the global connections we form and how small the world is becoming."

Shippensburg University