SUNY - Binghamton

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at SUNY - Binghamton. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a SUNY - Binghamton student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review (No Title) Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was very worthwhile and it offered me an experience that I will never replicate probably. I can't say exactly what I gained from the program, aside from some of the obvious aspects like knowledge and experience but that stuff is very important. Also I met a lot of people from around the world who I keep in touch with, which i..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: New Delhi - Technology, Economy, and Society in India

"I learned so much on this trip- about myself, India, it's people, customs, culture, economy, businesses, history, and everyday way of life. I think one of the best ways to learn about your own values, preferences, and character is to travel, and I still hold that belief after this trip. I highly recommend this trip for anyone lo..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review The University Of New South Wales In Sydney The University of New South Wales: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I have an album with 2000+ pictures and a 50 page book describing my everyday experiences- words canNOT explain my time abroad, you just have to see it for yourself and it's a guarantee life changing journey. By seeing the other side of the world and seeing life there- there is no doubt that personal views are expanded and chang..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review English Accents Are Hard To Get Used To SUNY Binghamton: Lancaster - Exchange & Study Abroad Program at Lancaster University

"Great times. I had a lot of fun, made many great friends that I will visit again when I have the money."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) Study Abroad Programs in Hong Kong

"In one word, yes. The life experience I gained in the program, that may very well be unobtainable otherwise, has already proofed that the exchange program was well worth its cost many times over. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Study Abroad In Sydney The University of New South Wales: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The program was very worthwhile and it gave me an opportunity to travel around Asia"

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review Nottingham Is Very Similar To Binghamton Boring SUNY Binghamton: Nottingham - Exchange & Study Abroad Program at University of Nottingham

"It wasn't what I was expecting, but I grew a lot as a person through it, which is what I really wanted. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone and opened me up to other kinds of personalities, lifestyles and how America is viewed from the outside. It made me more attached to my home."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review I Didn't Know Any Italian Before I Went, And That Was Ok Lorenzo de' Medici – Florence

"my study abroad experience was fun and worthwhile i would do it again if i could i enjoyed the classes that i took there and the trips and experiences that came with it"

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) Kansai Gaidai University: Hirakata - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes. I made friends around the globe, improved my Japanese language skills, experienced a different culture while learning from my friends about theirs, and had the best time of my life."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: Perth - Exchange & Study Abroad Program at Murdoch University

"My study abroad experience was very worthwhile. I made some great friends and had experiences I will never forget."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT): San Jose - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned so much about people, about how they interact, cultural differences. I gained many language skills and real life skills. I had never done anything truly on my own like this and it was a wonderful growing experience. As a result, I am much more confident, not only in my language skills, but in my ability to take care..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) Study Away Programs and Internships in Washington D.C.

"I learned to live on my own and to interact with different people (albiet very powerful people). I was able to apply the skills from academia and apply it to the real world. "

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Binghamton: Ifrane - Exchange & Study Abroad Program at Al Akhawayn University

"Yes, it was definitely worthwhile. My French improved greatly, I met amazing people, and I feel like I have a better understanding of what it means to live in a different culture. There are still some things about Moroccan culture that I have trouble understanding, but I now know how to appreciate these things instead of just fe..."

SUNY - Binghamton
Past Review (No Title) SUNY Oswego: Nice - IPAG, École Supérieure de Commerce

"Absolutely. I got to see a multitude of countries experience new foods and drinks. travel. It was great"

SUNY - Binghamton