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Syracuse Academy (Sicily, Italy)


Syracuse Academy is a university located in Sicily, Italy offering 4 programs managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Syracuse Academy is committed to cultural exchange, community building and holistic sustainable development.
We believe meaningful intercultural student learning best occurs within the contours of purposeful, subject-focused and experiential education that also serves to support community sustainability, well-being, equity, prosperity and opportunity.

Study Abroad with Syracuse Academy

September 19, 2024

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Study Abroad Reviews for API (Academic Programs International): Syracuse - Syracuse Academy
API (Academic Programs International): Syracuse - Syracuse Academy

The Syracuse Academy is an international school specialized in study abroad programs for college students in Sicily, with a focus on Mediterranean Studies, both ancient an...


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Study Abroad Reviews for Syracuse Academy: Environment & Biodiversity
Syracuse Academy: Environment & Biodiversity

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Sicily's ecosystems, from the Mediterranean coast to the volcanic majesty of Mount Etna. Our summer course on Environment & Bi...


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Study Abroad Reviews for Syracuse Academy: Sustainable Food Systems
Syracuse Academy: Sustainable Food Systems

Embark on a culinary journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Sicily, the "breadbasket of the Roman empire." Discover award-winning wineries, olive groves, honey far...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Syracuse Academy: Cultural Heritage and Identity
Syracuse Academy: Cultural Heritage and Identity

Uncover the mosaic of Sicilian culture, shaped by millennia of civilizations. From the Phoenicians to the Romans, Normans, Arabs, and more, Sicily's identity is a living, ...


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