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The Naganuma School (Tokyo, Japan)


The Naganuma School is a university located in Tokyo, Japan offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad and Intensive Language abroad programs.

Warm and thorough support is provided in a multi-faceted manner to all of our students. This is the school's most important and powerful value. We have established a support system that enables students to realize their objectives with more certainty. We support you to reach your goal whether it is to learn Japanese culture through the language, to obtain Japanese higher education or to find employment where you can use your Japanese skills. The teachers guide each of you to enhance your language skills while the school’s career staff, academic advising staff and student counseling staff give you a helping hand to fulfill your personal and professional expectations.

Study Abroad with The Naganuma School

September 19, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for The Naganuma School: Tokyo - Japanese Language Courses
The Naganuma School: Tokyo - Japanese Language Courses

There is a special bond connecting Naganuma School people. It brings together people from varied origins, Japanese business and academic societies, as well as graduates an...


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