
The University of Texas at Austin

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due

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Past Review Lost In A Familiar Place CIEE: Alicante - Liberal Arts

"I learned how valuable the spanish language is across the globe. It was very rewarding to be able to communicate with strangers in a very foreign place."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review No Expectations AIFS: Granada - University of Granada and Internship Program

"The underlying elements of humanity that are present regardless of race or culture or ethnicity. Yes! It was definitely worthwhile."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Came, I Experienced, I Learned. CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts, Dominican Republic

"I learned a great deal about how history can shape people's interactions with one another. (Dominican-Haitian Relations). I felt it was worthwhile. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review The Best Experience In My Life! University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Socializing, Living on my own, Learning and Adopting New Culture; "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Going Home Seoul National University: Seoul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"More options and perspectives to consider for the future. It was worthwhile. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Different Than What I Expected University of Sussex: Brighton - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot from getting to travel all over Europe. It was a great experience but I would have picked a different university to do this through if I were to go again. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Do It, You Wont Regret It Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Studying Abroad is an amazing experience! I had already studied abroad before but this was a completely different experience. If I could I would’ve chosen a different program but that is just personal preference. You will meet people from all over the world, even from places you’ve never heard off. I can happily say that I now h..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review You Learn Not Only About The Culture In Host Country But A Lot About Yourself Seoul National University: Seoul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about myself. I learned to put myself out there and go out of comfort zone. It was definitely worthwhile. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Intense But So Glad I Did It. CET Beijing

"I mastered the Chinese language and made great friends. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Getting An Education Or Going On Vacation? Why Not Both! University of Technology - Sydney (UTS): Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"How to be more independent and less fearful of anxiety-filled situations or the unknown; I gained friendships with people from all over the world."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Great University And Diverse Student Body Chinese University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"How important it is plan and design travel plans for the region before you depart. It is cheap to travel in SE Asia so take advantage of that. Also be prepared for many group projects, and be aware that kids from different cultures have different study habits."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Need To Learn More Japanese. J. F. Oberlin University: Tokyo - Reconnaissance Japan Program

"That I don't know enough Japanese to survive,"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Awesome! University of Otago, New Zealand: Study Abroad Programme

"Definitely worthwhile."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review A Semester In London In The Fall University College London (UCL): London - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Absolutely a worthwhile experience. I would encourage everyone to study abroad! I learned how differently professors teach in the UK, and it seemed that they valued interaction with their students more than my home university professors do, which I enjoyed. I got to meet and live with people from different cultures, which was ve..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Delicious Food And Friendly People CIEE: Taipei - Intensive Chinese Language and Culture

"It was worthwhile. My Chinese improved and I had a great time living in another country. I learned the breadth of things that I can accomplish on my own and realized things that I want to do in the future. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Would Go Back Tomorrow If I Could! University College Dublin: Dublin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about different cultures and I was able to visit 10 countries in the 4 months I was there. I would not trade this experience for anything. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Life Changing Experience! Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was a great experience, academically and personally fulfilling. It widen my perspectives towards life, people and cultures. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Paris, Je T'aime. Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned French! No, it's not useful, but it's fun. I definitely think everyone should be forced to spend time in Paris, because it teaches you to appreciate culture, sophistication, and how to behave. There's really no better business etiquette course! For someone like me, who's outgoing but not overly familiar with strangers,..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Nothing Like I Expected, Everything I Hoped For, And Exactly What I Needed Bogazici University: Istanbul - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that the world is so much bigger than the bubble that is America. I met so many people from all over Europe, so I got to compare what my life and this country is like compared to theirs. There's something so exciting about going to a completely new place where you don't know anybody and having to figure everything out...."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Great Experience. Amazing Culture, Life Style, And People. Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself, about the culture, and about people. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Traveling Opened My Eyes Up To The Rest Of The World And Truly Amazing It Is. University of Limerick: Limerick - Summer School Programme

"I gained an insight of student life and people across the world. I met so many people from all around Europe. Meeting so many people and traveling so much were some of the best experiences I have ever had. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review New CIEE: Shanghai - Business, Language, and Culture

"Allowed me to experience a new culture. Yes, it was worthwhile."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Program That Was Flexible For Me To Personally Visit 10 Countries Arcadia: Florence - Accademia Italiana Florence

"I developed into a cultured being, medium level art junkie, full blown food addict, and most importantly transformed from obnoxious tourist to picture-taking traveler embracing all types of scenery."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Take Me Back Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I grew as a person"

The University of Texas at Austin