
The University of Texas at Austin

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad team is guided by our commitment to promoting access to study, research, internships and experiential learning abroad. We are committed to reducing financial and academic barriers and to removing disparities amongst study abroad participants. We accomplish this by collaborating with the faculty and staff on our campus and partners throughout the world. Partnerships are the foundation of our success. Along with our academic colleagues and our affiliated partners, we are committed to providing pathways for students to participate in education abroad through curriculum integration, innovative programs, and targeted scholarship programs which serve students and the University.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 1st - Spring Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
November 1st - UT Maymester Faculty-Led Applications Due
December 1st - UT Summer Faculty-Led Applications Due
February 15th - Summer Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due
March 1st - Fall Exchange/Affiliate Applications Due

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Best Time In Yunnan SIT Study Abroad: China - Health, Environment, and Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Definitely going to have China and research in my career."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Uppsala: Highly Recommended! Uppsala University: Uppsala - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I strongly recommend study abroad! I was worried I would be homesick (I get homesick VERY easily) but I experienced a lot less homesickness than I anticipated. Don't be scared to study abroad."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review I Wish I Could Have Stayed A Year National University of Cordoba: Cordoba - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I really enjoyed it, but it was difficult to live with a host mother. I never felt comfortable in my living situation. That was really the only downfall, and that can be easily fixed. I feel that the experience just reaffirmed my academic interests!"

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Barcelona IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad


The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review New Zealand: Leave All Your Worries Behind Victoria University of Wellington: Wellington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"While it set me back at least a semester, I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. It was by far the most fulfilling time of my life, and I am so much more aware of the person I want to be after traveling so independently for so long. People who think they don't have enough time to study abroad are severely mistaken. We're o..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review None But Nanjing CIEE: Nanjing - Intensive Chinese Language and Culture

"I would like to work internationally for a period of time, whether in China or elsewhere."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Sciences Po Paris: Meh :/ Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Honestly haven't not improved my French and spent more money than I'd like to for a lesser educational experience I wouldn't do it again. Sure I learned cultural things but frankly, what good does that do me? Paris is cool and all until you have to literally pay for it everyday. The school and city are both wildly overrated in m..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review New Zealand: Sweet As Bro! Victoria University of Wellington: Wellington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"A million times yes. I learned so much. I learned about different cultures. I learned so much about myself by being away from everything that I am familiar with. You make so many great friends that you will forever have in your life. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review The Time Of My Life In Seoul! CIEE: Seoul - Arts and Sciences

"I felt very lucky to have made the friends that I made while I was in Korea. I met people from all around the world and significantly improved my language ability. Having spent a semester in Korea I'm even considering working there for a little while after I graduate. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Studying Abroad At The University Of Westminster Arcadia: London - University of Westminster

"Yes, I was able to travel quite often and met so many valuable friends. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Mind Opening Transformation In Ireland Arcadia: Dublin - Dublin Parliamentary Internship

"I gained a number of things from this experience. In fact, here is a little something I wrote about my experience that pretty much sums it up: I gained an amazing internship experience with an amazing boss. I gained great friends that I am staying in touch with now. I gained a new perspective on life as a whole- which ..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Ala Sevilla: Difficult But Fun CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"My comprehension increased immensely. I gained a lot of independence and became a lot more proactive in my life because it's the only option--if you aren't clear about what you need and don't go out and get it, nothing will get done. It certainly broadened my cultural understanding and I think I got a really good feel for the Sp..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Denmark: A Lively Place To Explore DIS Summer in Scandinavia

"My study abroad was an invaluable experience as I saw how limited our American views really are. It gave me in general a better worldview perspective on people and values. After the program I was fortunate to see even more of Europe and gained a cultural appreciation for the side of the world. At the same time, it made me even m..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review New Zealand: So Much Fun Victoria University of Wellington: Wellington - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained such a bigger view of the world. It sounds really cliche, but studying abroad really did change my life for the better. It really made me re-evaluate what's important in life and, more importantly, what I want to do with my life. I'm not sure I would have had such an eye-opener without studying abroad."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Best Place In The World, Nz. University of Otago, New Zealand: Study Abroad Programme

"Absolutely. I gained a lot of knowledge about who I am and what I am interested in doing in my life."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Madrid: The Best Semester Of My Life! IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"I made great friends, visited beautiful cities, ate delicious food, and experienced things I otherwise never would have been able to. I grew as a person into a new and improved man."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Belgium A Hidden Oasis CIEE: Brussels - Business, Communications and Culture

"I could live somewhere else and be more open. Because a problem a lot of american students had when we arrived was comparing everything to America and if it wasn't like what we were used to, then it wasn't right. So we had to change the way we looked at things."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Galway: Probably The Best City In Ireland API (Academic Programs International): Galway - National University Of Ireland, Galway

"I gained alot of friends abroad, and it's impacted me by giving me independence. I used to worry about my family too much to be away from them for very long, but now I know I can live anywhere and be okay without them around all the time. I could easily go back and live in Ireland."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Tiger Tiger CIEE: Cape Town - Arts and Sciences

"South Africa was amazing program just had too many rules. "

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Studying In Granada Was Lifechanging And Unforgettable AIFS: Granada - University of Granada and Internship Program

"This experience was life-changing. I have talked with my American friends that I made through my program while being back in the states and we have all talked about how we have changed. and it's not necessarily something you can put into words. But living in a foreign country is something that not many people get to do. And l..."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review "Media Education In The Media Captial Of The World" Arcadia: London - University of Westminster

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time abroad. I plan on making way back to the United Kingdom at some point in my life (hopefully sooner than later). London truly is an international city so no matter where you are coming from you can find something that you will love."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Amazing Experience In Paris Sciences Po: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I definitely learned so many things. Mostly about myself."

The University of Texas at Austin
Past Review Pamplona: Historic City With Plenty Of Culture And Scenery Universidad Pública de Navarra: Pamplona - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Yes I feel this exchange was worthwhile. I came to the country with a very basic Spanish speaking ability and returned almost fluent. It has definitely opened my eyes to so much European culture that I didn't know before. As far as future plans, the program has made me want to pursue more foreign language studies. "

The University of Texas at Austin