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Tia Tula Colegio de Espanol (Salamanca, Spain)


Tia Tula Colegio de Espanol is a university located in Salamanca, Spain offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Intensive Language abroad programs.

High quality, intimate school in the historic town of Salamanca. The most effective way to learn Spanish or improve it. Live the experience. And live it in Spanish. Easier than you may think.

Study Abroad with Tia Tula Colegio de Espanol

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Tia Tula Colegio de Espanol: Salamanca - International Spanish School
Tia Tula Colegio de Espanol: Salamanca - International Spanish School

Spanish Courses at Tía Tula has a course that will suit your needs.  The modules for the Spanish Courses we offer here at Tía Tula are the following:General Intensive Span...


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