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TIAC Academy (Florence, Italy)


TIAC Academy is a university located in Florence, Italy offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

TIAC Academy wants to support the community of image-makers to cultivate, create and promote and meaningful representational artwork. Our vision is to provide the optimum educational environment for representational sculpture and painting; so that talented individuals may realise their highest potential in conceiving, creating and delivering meaningful artwork to the world as well as cultivating compositional independence. TIAC Academy provides structured workshops which concepts and topics are suitable and can be related to both a professional and an amateur audience. We focus on artistic education, providing elements and strategies through a process of integrating subject, design and media, including multiple perspectives and approaches within this type of artwork so that individuals can find the path that most suits their inclination.

Study Abroad with TIAC Academy

September 19, 2024

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