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Tianjin Normal University (Tianjin, China)


Tianjin Normal University is a university located in Tianjin, China offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

The forty-two-year history of TNU in international students'education can be traced back to 1964, in which year TNU became one of the earliest universities offering programs for the overseas students. Over decades of years' development, TNU has been built up to a tertiary education institution with well-developed disciplinary programs and learning facilities. The University prioritises the university-related foreign affairs as well as putting high value on the students' demand for education with quality. TNU is currently acclaimed one of the favourite Chinese universities among its students. There were 1,500 international students from thirty countries worldwide studying at TNU in 2005.

Study Abroad with Tianjin Normal University

September 19, 2024