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Tianjin University (Tianjin, China)


Tianjin University is a university located in Tianjin, China offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.

Founded in 1895 as Peiyang University, Tianjin University (TJU) is the first university in China. As the pioneer of modern higher education in China, TJU has been committed to the mission of revitalizing this country through education ever since its foundation. Fighting arduously in keeping up with this mission, TJU proudly upholds the motto "Seeking Truth from Facts" while the faculty follows the guideline of precise learning and strict teaching. To this day, over 200,000 outstanding individuals have been educated at TJU. They contributed greatly to the progress in science and technology as well as to the prosperity of the country. TJU has been a National Key University since 1959 when the first 16 universities were so designated by the government. It is also among the first group of universities to be included into the "211" and "985" Projects of national investment for developing world class universities. Now, TJU has grown into a world recognized research university with distinctive qualities and strengths in education, research and social service.

Study Abroad with Tianjin University

September 20, 2024
Study Abroad Reviews for Tianjin University: Tianjin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange
Tianjin University: Tianjin - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

Welcome to Tianjin University!Founded in 1895 as Peiyang University, Tianjin University (TJU) is the first university in China. As the pioneer of modern higher education i...


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