
Trinity University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Brilliany NRCSA: Alicante - EIS

"I learnt a lot. It was definitely worthwhile"

Trinity University
Past Review Kiwi Experience Arcadia: Dunedin - University of Otago

"I learned to be self sufficient. Yes it was worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review A Great Time In Tübingen Study Abroad in Germany! Programs and Reviews!

"I learned a lot about German culture and attitudes which also helped me realize in what ways I am American."

Trinity University
Past Review In Love With Bcn IES Abroad: Barcelona - Study Abroad with IES Abroad

"traveling around europe for the first time! totally worth it!!!"

Trinity University
Past Review Parisien Pour Un Semestre France Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I did not significantly improve my French, but studying abroad in Paris exceeded my expectations. I was very much integrated into French culture and made many local friends."

Trinity University
Past Review Travel Travel Travel IES Abroad: London - Study London

"people are different around the world "

Trinity University
Past Review I Wish I Had Never Left. API (Academic Programs International): Grenoble - Université des Alpes

"I learned French, more about the French culture and life style, and what it means to be French. It was very worthwhile, I am actually returning to France in the Spring with a different program only because the new program offers an internship aspect to it."

Trinity University
Past Review I Loved It!! IES Abroad: Buenos Aires - Society & Culture

"It was great, I had a wonderful time and am looking at programs to teach abroad so I can return! I often reminisce about my time and look at pictures wishing I could go back right now. "

Trinity University
Past Review More Than I Could Have Dreamed Or Imagined CIEE: Seville - Advanced Liberal Arts

"More than anything, I learned about my own culture and how incredibly different the American mindset is. I loved learning about the way of life there and how different it was from my own."

Trinity University
Past Review Go To Morocco With Ies For Great Cultural Experiences IES Abroad: Rabat - Study in Rabat

"It was worthwhile. I gained a strong sense of culture in the Arab world and a sense the conflict between tradition and modernity on a personal level. "

Trinity University
Past Review Great Food, Beer, And Sightseeing Opportunities CIEE: Brussels - Summer Business, Communications and Culture

"It was worthwhile! I had many opportunities to see myself grow as an individual and be challenged by living on my own. My homestay was slightly unusual in that my host father traveled a lot for work so I often had the place to myself, so I definitely got experience in living on my own and providing for myself. "

Trinity University
Past Review Heaven On Earth IFSA/Alliance: Shanghai - 21st Century City

"I found myself. I was the best thing that I have ever done in my life. I would do it over and over and over again if I could with the same people."

Trinity University
Past Review Unforgettable. Stunning. Fantastic. It Went By Too Fast. Beijing Foreign Studies University: Beijing - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Was it worthwhile? Ridiculous. It was worth every last second. I learned how feel comfortable chatting in Chinese with complete strangers, bargain like no other, and to take things in stride, both the surprising, shocking, and extraordinary, and take none of it for granted. "

Trinity University
Past Review Cultural Eye Opener Arcadia: Cape Town - University of Cape Town

"Gave me a broader cultural perspective. Raised questions about how people from diverse cultural backgrounds can get along. Forced me to act outside of my comfort zone on a regular basis. Definitely worth it - one of the coolest things I have ever done."

Trinity University
Past Review Life Changing! IFSA: Christchurch - University of Canterbury

"Life is short. Go for it. It was absolutely worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Go To Granada! Do It! IES Abroad: Granada - Liberal Arts & Language

"I loved my experience abroad. I learned to be more confident in myself, to trust myself in stressful situations, that I can get around using my foreign language skills, that there are friends to be had everywhere if you know where to look. I would suggest to anyone to go abroad! It opened my eyes to a more global worldview and m..."

Trinity University
Past Review A Life Lesson IFSA/Alliance: Shanghai - Intensive Chinese Language

"Yes. I learned more about myself and different cultures than I ever felt possible."

Trinity University
Past Review Unforgettable, Fun, Priceless, Educating Experience I Ever Had In My Life. National Taiwan University: Taipei - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I gained so many friends from all over the world, including Taiwanese friends. I learned to appreciate different cultures and to embrace them. My Chinese listening skills definitely improved and I was so proud of myself that I understood most things. This program was definitely worthwhile because now I want to go back to Taiwan ..."

Trinity University
Past Review Life Changing IES Abroad: Freiburg - Environmental Studies & Sustainability

"I learned how to travel alone and have fun with it, rather than stressing too much. It taught me how to be flexible, things will not always work out as planned but they will most likely work out in some way. This experience was invaluable, and has made me a much more independent person. "

Trinity University
Past Review Caught The Travel Bug IES Abroad: Sydney Direct Enrollment - University Of Sydney

"I think I definitely caught a travel bug, because now all I want to do is go places. I also really enjoyed interacting with the people. Learning about there history, both postive and negative, was eye-opening, because the similarities with our own history made me question things that I'd gotten so used to I'd kinda stopped think..."

Trinity University
Past Review Berlin. Came For An Experience, Staying Indefinitely New York University: Berlin - NYU in Berlin

"I learned a lot about life in general, and where I am going and what I want to do with myself the next few years as a student and in the years beyond"

Trinity University
Past Review Fun! IFSA: London - City, University of London

"Definitely worthwhile. I got exposure to the arts, sports, life style, opera, dramas, historical sites. Learnt alot from this experience. "

Trinity University
Past Review Very Unique Universidad Católica de Honduras: Tegucigalpa - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"yes, i got to see the different opportunities people have in developing countries"

Trinity University
Past Review Unbelievable ISA Study Abroad in Málaga, Spain

"language, friends, exposure to other cultures, a love for traveling, amazing, amazing experiences I will never forget"

Trinity University