
Trinity University

September 20, 2024

University Information

The Study Abroad program at Trinity University is designed to be accessible and flexible. With proper planning, students from every major can study abroad productively in many different countries around the world as a part of their degree.

This is possible because Trinity's program is based on individually advising each student so that the term abroad becomes an integral part of the degree that meets academic, personal, and professional goals. As a result Trinity students participate in a wide variety of academic experiences abroad from studying in a foreign university classroom to academic internships to intensive language study to field studies - or a some combination of these things.

Important Dates and Deadlines

October 18th, last day to begin an application for Spring
October 25th, last day to turn in an application for Spring
October 31sth, last day to turn in Trinity forms (for Credit Approval, etc.)

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review Do This! It Is Worth It! Gonzaga University: Gonzaga-in-Florence

"Worthwhile? YES! If I could still be there right now, I would be! The experience I have gained will not only help me domestically, but you learn another culture, another way of life and that in turn will help in your other endeavors. "

Trinity University
Past Review Pulchritudinous Gonzaga University: Gonzaga-in-Florence

"It was worth every cent. I gained a lot of new friends, a new excitement in life, a taste of Europe that will probably never be sated. Wanderlust. "

Trinity University
Past Review Memorable Chinese University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that different cultures have different ways of thinking. For example, local people in Hong Kong tend to not understand sarcasm. It was definitely worthwhile since it was the first time I had stayed in Hong Kong for more than a week. If I had the time and opportunity, I would definitely return! There were too many plac..."

Trinity University
Past Review Food For Life Arcadia: ISI Perugia - The Umbra Institute

"I learned to relax and how to become more comfortable even as a foreigner."

Trinity University
Past Review More Than I Expected SIT Study Abroad: Iceland - Renewable Energy, Technology & Resource Economics (Summer 1)

"The program helped me define my career aspirations."

Trinity University
Past Review Lived Up To Expectations France Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I became more comfortable speaking and writing French, and I gained an appreciation for the differences between America and other cultures."

Trinity University
Past Review An Inside View Of The Healthcare World In Another Nation IES Abroad: Santiago Summer - Health Studies

"One clear benefit was the improvement of my communication skill in Spanish and the comfort and confidence I gained in conversing with Chileans. I also really enjoyed the days in healthcare setting when we were able to get a sense of how things are operated and the discrepancy in care opportunities and setting for people of diff..."

Trinity University
Past Review The Most Intense Abroad Experience Ever Study Abroad Programs in Cambodia

"I learned so much about asia. I also learned what extreme poverty looks like. I learned a lot about Buddhism and Ancient Khmer history. I chose the program because it fulfilled specific graduation requirements. I do the program again for fun, but I am glad I went. "

Trinity University
Past Review Wonderful Field School University of Liverpool, Centre for Manx Studies: Ireland and the Isle of Man Archaeological Field School

"How to excavate in a different country and in different environmental conditions. It was worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Amazing And Life Changing. Boston University: Sydney - Sydney Internship Program

"I learned about a culture other than the U.S and this opened up my eyes to a new and different type of lifestyle. It made me want/plan to live in Sydney. It was definently a worthwhile experience and one I would love to do again "

Trinity University
Past Review Awesome! NRCSA: Cuzco - Centro de Espanol

"lots of things, well worth it"

Trinity University
Past Review Australia Was Great. Arcadia: Sydney -Sydney Internship Program Summer

"I enjoyed being able to look at the U.S. and other parts of the world through a different lens and being able to travel to unique places like the Blue Mountains and Great Barrier Reef. It was certainly worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Crazy Biology Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS): Costa Rica - Tropical Biology Summer

"I learned that field biology is not for me but I gained a huge appreciation for field biologists. I loved every minute of it and I still keep in contact with my classmates. I learned all kinds of things about biology. "

Trinity University
Past Review Comfortable DIS Summer in Scandinavia

"yes, i learned how to live on my own, i learned to navigate a foreign country "

Trinity University
Past Review Exhausting But Necessary CET Harbin

"Chinese! and Yes."

Trinity University
Past Review It Was A Life Changing Experience That I Would Never Do Again. NRCSA: Montevideo - Instituto de Lenguas

"I learned how to speak spanish and I learned a lot about myself. I also got to see a more simple life style. It was worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Unforgettable!! :) NRCSA: Salamanca - EIS

"It was definitely worthwhile. Having to navigate by myself in a country that I didn't speak the language definitely taught me a lot and was motivation to learn Spanish, which is why I went there in the first place."

Trinity University
Past Review The Life Of Two Cities With Bu London & Paris Study Abroad Programs in London

"I now have a greater understanding for London and Paris themselves, and how they have become the great cities that they are while they continue to confront major social issues as living monuments for their respective countries."

Trinity University
Past Review Great American University: Washington D.C - Washington Semester Program

"Independence is important in a new city. Also learn how to navigate"

Trinity University
Past Review Fun, Educational, Exciting Foray Into Mexican Language And Culture Central College Abroad: Merida - Studies in Global Health in the Yucatan

"I learned a lot about myself because I was able to be in a new place with people who had no preconceived notions about who I was. For that reason, I was able to try a lot of things that I normally wouldn't. It was absolutely worthwhile and, honestly, probably the best month of my life."

Trinity University
Past Review A Good Bit Of Craic IFSA: Galway - National University Ireland

"The way of interacting in a different culture, and I daresay it was worthwhile."

Trinity University
Past Review Italian Adventure IES Abroad: Study Rome - Language & Area Studies

"It was a fantastic experience and I have learned much about myself and how to take care of myself with limited resources. I would highly recommend it. Rome was a challenge to get around but such an exciting place to live. What an adventure! "

Trinity University
Past Review Amazing! IES Abroad: Madrid - IES Abroad in Madrid

"Cultural experience and work experience. Definitely!"

Trinity University
Past Review Getting My Bearings In Be(A)Rlin For The Summer ISA Study Abroad in Berlin, Germany

"The best experience of my life, far better than Vienna. My fellow students were incredibly warm and friendly, nothing like the Vienna students. The class I took was great too. Incredibly worthwhile. "

Trinity University
Past Review Happenings With The Hapsburgs: My Experience In Vienna IES Abroad: Vienna - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"I think I learned a lot about people from my experience abroad. Initially I was very hopeful that I would make lots of friends abroad, but found that not to be the case. The majority of the student body was very forgettable and uninteresting and only interested in partying in Europe, and so I didn't gell with a lot of students, ..."

Trinity University