
Truman State University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Truman offers you the amazing opportunity to choose from more than 50 countries in which to study. The language of instruction depends on the program you select – from some programs that require extensive knowledge of a foreign language to others that require little or no knowledge of a language other than English.

Participating in a study abroad program as part of your Truman experience will enhance your undergraduate years, help in your preparation as a citizen of the world, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Important Dates and Deadlines

See the study abroad office for specific program deadlines.

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review A Perspective Changing Adventure Missouri Africa Program (MAP)

"I learned things about Ghana and West Africa that, in many ways, shattered the picture that Western media paint of the African continent. I learned things about myself - how I respond to uncomfortable and awkward situations, how I respond to being the only white person in a class of 40 students. I learned too many things to list..."

Truman State University
Past Review Amazing Learning Experience IPAG Business School: Paris - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned about interacting with people from other cultures and I learned what it's going to be like in the real world after graduation. Definitely worth it."

Truman State University
Past Review Trying To Go To Riga ISEP Exchange: Estonia - Exchange Program at University of Tartu

"I could write paragraphs. My semester in Estonia was filled with nothing but worthwhile experiences. I lived in a country that a lot of people couldn't even place on a map. I traveled to places I never thought I'd go. I made friends from all over the world that I'll have for life. I took classes that I would've never have h..."

Truman State University
Past Review Adventures In Southeastern Europe ISEP Exchange: Blagoevgrad - Exchange Program at American University in Bulgaria

"It was definitely worthwhile, and I learned a lot from getting to know another culture and people from all over the world. "

Truman State University
Past Review Great And Inexpensive Experience! Missouri Africa Program (MAP)

"Adaptivity flexibility Yes"

Truman State University
Past Review Once In A Lifetime Adventure ISEP Exchange: Buenos Aires - Exchange Program at Universidad de Palermo

"I gained confidence, experience, insight and adventure. I gained many skills I would not be able to have gained in the states."

Truman State University
Past Review The Russian Adventure College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Moscow - Grint Centre for Education and Culture

"I learned how to adapt and learn new things, and it was worthwhie."

Truman State University
Past Review Well Worth Every Grueling Moment Of Preparation. ISEP Exchange: Brno - Exchange Program at Masaryk University

"I learned how different cultures really can be, but how similar people are. It was more than worthwhile."

Truman State University
Past Review Experience Of A Lifetime Bond University: Gold Coast - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned that I am able to do things and overcome obstacles I used to be so anxious about. I made lasting friendships with people who were learning the same things about themselves and growing and exploring the country together. It was the most worthwhile four months of my life."

Truman State University
Past Review Quarter Life Crisis (An Adventurous And Exciting One!) College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Ormskirk - Edge Hill University

"As I said above, I learned more than what I can put into words. Even though I came back to the States pennyless, I would not change my experience! "

Truman State University
Past Review How To Go Back To Square One. College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Ormskirk - Edge Hill University

"I learned how to adjust to a setting that vastly differed from what I was familiar with"

Truman State University
Past Review Everything Fell So Perfectly Into Place For Me! College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): San Jose - Universidad Veritas

"I gained lifelong friends, a love for spanish language, a tico family and a love for travel. "

Truman State University
Past Review Spring In Moscow College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Moscow - Grint Centre for Education and Culture

"Deeper insight into varying perspectives on complex international issues and the ways in which different cultures view and interact with one another. Absolutely worthwhile."

Truman State University
Past Review The Best Memories Of My Life That Will Be With Me Forever Bond University: Gold Coast - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned to come out of my comfort zone and make friends with people from all over the world."

Truman State University
Past Review Different College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Ormskirk - Edge Hill University

"Education isn't just about academics."

Truman State University
Past Review Studying Spanish In Costa Rica! College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): San Jose - Universidad Veritas

"Definitely a worthwhile experience. Actually it changed my life. I am confident in my spanish now and use it every chance I get. I can understand most Spanish when I hear it now. This also helped shape my future goals ( huge for me since I was quite directionless before the experience.) This was really opened my mind to all the ..."

Truman State University
Past Review Ideal Centro Linguistico Conversa: Santa Ana - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"greater fluency in Spanish"

Truman State University
Past Review Month For A Lifetime College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Salzburg - Salzburg College

"I feel more culturally alert; I now have a point of comparison with which to base my views on my own culture and life. Definitely worthwhile"

Truman State University
Past Review Fantastic Experience ISEP Exchange: Marburg - Exchange Program at Philipps-Universität Marburg

"I gained an understanding of living in another country and experiencing another culture beyond food and daily habits. I learned how another culture approaches certain political problems. "

Truman State University
Past Review Great Time In Australia CIEE: Perth - Summer Tropical Marine Ecology

"Great experience! Totally worth it!"

Truman State University
Past Review Month For A Lifetime College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS): Salzburg - Salzburg College

"I feel more culturally alert; I now have a point of comparison with which to base my views on my own culture and life. Definitely worthwhile"

Truman State University
Past Review An Exciting Exchange Program ISEP Exchange: Grenoble - Exchange Program at Université Grenoble Alpes

"I learned a lot of problem solving skills, had a lot of great travel experiences and ate awesome food. Definitely worthwhile."

Truman State University
Past Review Less School, More Experience ISEP Exchange: Linz - Exchange Program at Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

"My experience has been very worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with uncomfortable situations. "

Truman State University
Past Review Truly A Life Changing Experience With Missouri Greece Program Missouri Consortium: Missouri Greece Program

"I learned absolutely so much; I feel much more cultured, for one thing. I've learned that people all over the world, no matter their ethnicity, culture, or background, just want to be treated with respect and just want their voice to be heard. We all want to be someone, to be an individual, but we don't all get treated as such. ..."

Truman State University
Past Review A Semester That Will Never Be Forgotten! Missouri Consortium: Missouri Greece Program

"Besides gaining lifelong friends, knowledge of a new language and culture, and more independence, I surpassed all expectation I had of myself and really went outside of my comfort zone. It was definitely worthwhile."

Truman State University