Tulane University

September 20, 2024

University Information

Tulane University is a private, nonsectarian research university located in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Originally founded as a public medical college in 1834, the school grew into a comprehensive university in 1847.

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Past Review Brazil Frustrating Yet Unique CIEE: Sao Paulo - Liberal Arts

"Yes, I gained confidence in all my studies and met some wonderful people. "

Tulane University
Past Review Madrid: Not My Home, But Made Me Appreciate Mine Even More. Complutense University of Madrid: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I definitely know if I travel again it will be with people I'm well acquainted with and love. I learned a lot in my classes and am interested in the opportunities academics can provide me."

Tulane University
Past Review Prague: Best Time Ever!! UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"My study abroad was most certainly worthwhile. I gained the ability and understanding on how to get around any city anywhere in the world, while using public transportation, without a hiccup. Prior to going aboard I couldn't even read a map and had only used the NY Metro for one summer. I now have the confidence to enter any ci..."

Tulane University
Past Review Germany: It Sucked, But I'm Glad I Did It. Friedrich Schiller University of Jena: Jena - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I think it was worthwhile in that I learned a lot about myself and what I DONT like, and I am now completely fluent in German. I suppose I am adopting a buddhist approach that growth comes from suffering. I know how to deal with extreme unhappiness, I know how to commit myself to a project which seems absolutely impossible. I'm ..."

Tulane University
Past Review Argentina Buenos Aires: Was The Second Best Desicions I Have Ever Made In My Life. IFSA: Buenos Aires - Argentine Universities Program

"Everything Ive pretty mush already said. It also made me appreciate the US more, but made me realize that I need that adventure of the unknown in my life."

Tulane University
Past Review A Year In London, The Rest Of My Life In England. London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"I plan on returning to LSE for my masters. After that I hope to find a job in London, and plan on spending the rest of my years in England. It is just an amazing place with amazing people. Even though I was only there for a year, I could tell that is where I want to be when I graduate University. "

Tulane University
Past Review Oxford Literature Summer Program University of Oxford - Visiting Students

"I had a great time. I had spent time in the city of Oxford before, so the culture was not new. It was a great experience to spend such a prolonged time in a different country, though. "

Tulane University
Past Review Loved London, Not Lse London School of Economics (LSE): London - General Course, Year-Long Study Abroad Programme

"it is not that I hated LSE, I just did not feel that I was prepared for it. It did push me and I learned a lot, but had to on the fly in order to keep up. London was amazing and I would love to live there again someday. "

Tulane University
Past Review London's Bittersweet: Challenging Yet Rewarding INSTEP: London - Institute of Economic and Political Studies

"It was a worthwhile experience in that it changed me as a person by making me more independent. Nevertheless, I really wish the program was more integrated with other students so I could enjoy my study abroad more because it became draining to always be self-reliant. But I loved London a great deal, and I expect to live there fo..."

Tulane University
Past Review Independent Berlin: Get Away From Ies As Fast As Possible IES Abroad: Berlin - Study Abroad With IES Abroad

"My German improved a lot (although not as much as it could have) and I had a chance to take classes in my major from a new perspective. It was my first time in Europe and I can't complain about that. I just wish I had had more time to travel and soak up everything. "

Tulane University
Past Review Cet Beijing CET Beijing

"It was very worthwhile and I'm abroad again on CET/Middlebury Kunming. It's going to be different for everybody, but it's 4 months in China. The only way it's not going to be incredible is if you spend all your time with Americans at western bars."

Tulane University
Past Review Czech Republic I Will Be Back. CIEE: Prague - Film Studies

"The experience was amazing. I met some incredibly interesting people that I hope to keep in touch with in the future. I not only learned a lot about film but also about myself. I think I changed as a person for the better."

Tulane University
Past Review Santiago: Viva Chile! CIEE: Santiago - Liberal Arts


Tulane University
Past Review Singapore: Experiences To Share And Memories To Last A Lifetime National University of Singapore: Singapore - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience it exceeded by expectations . I wish i had done a year instead of ust a semester."

Tulane University
Past Review An Incredible Sydney Semester Despite Home Institution's Shortcomings University of Sydney: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I truly had the time of my life and plan to live abroad when I graduate. I could not have asked for a better country to live in and better people to explore it with. "

Tulane University
Past Review Brazil's Healthcare System In A Nutshell. Salvador Public Health, Race And, Human Rights SIT Study Abroad: Reviews from Former Locations

"My experience was worthwhile, and I became fluent in Portuguese during my time there. "

Tulane University
Past Review Mauritius Is Wonderful University of Mauritius: Reduit - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I became an adult, because I had no choice. I had a truly unique and unforgettable experience."

Tulane University
Past Review An American In Prague UPCES - Study Abroad in Prague (CERGE-EI, Charles University)

"I gain the abilities to travel anywhere and confidence to go anywhere with people and by myself. I saw that the world is alot smaller than we believed as americans and that we are the same"

Tulane University
Past Review Madrid Allowed Me To See Europe Complutense University of Madrid: Madrid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"The best experience I've ever had in my life. Exposed me to so many different cultures and people and helped for me to gain a broader view of the world. "

Tulane University
Past Review Australia: The Perfect Combination Of Culture And Adventure University of Sydney: Sydney - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"My abroad experience was definitely the most exciting and worthwhile 5 months of my life. The experiences I had academically and socially were one of a kind and because my experience was so amazing, I have considered moving to Australia after I graduate."

Tulane University
Past Review Year Long Student, Paris EDUCO: Paris - EDUCO in Paris

"I love knowing that I can speak a foreign language. Doing this program made me feel like I could do most anything I set my mind to. I went out on my own, not knowing anyone in my program, and I made a lot of friends and learned a lot. I learned that I could be independent, but I also learned that I really love my friends at home..."

Tulane University
Past Review University Of St. Andrews, Scotland: A Wonderfully And Unique Exerpience University of St. Andrews: St. Andrews - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was an amazing experience that opened my eyes to really understanding and experiencing another culture. I feel like I became a more mature, adult person who can handle anything life throws at me after living thousands of miles away from my home, my family, and things that are familiar and comfortable. It made me want to exp..."

Tulane University
Past Review Living In Egypt The Single Best Decision I Have Ever Made. Study Abroad in Egypt at the American University in Cairo

"I cannot put into words how much studying/living abroad changed my life entirely. I am a science major, but found a new passion for world politics, Middle East culture and languages while I was abroad. I had always traveled abroad before living abroad, but there is no comparison. Living abroad provides experiences and outlook..."

Tulane University
Past Review Cape Town Is Lekker CIEE: Cape Town - Arts and Sciences

"it was absolutely worthwhile. gained a better understanding of the world for the average citizen of the world, not the average citizen of the west. i got a chance to see how millions live without true and simple luxuries of life that we as westerners take for granted and consider essential. "

Tulane University